This is the
crackerjack popcorn recipe I made for Christmas gifts.
To give a large amount as a gift I put
in large baggies with ribbons. For
smaller amounts I put in square green plastic
containers with a Christmas bow on top.

Plain popped corn (I used 2 bags of popped
microwave popcorn)
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 cup butter
1/2 cup corn syrup
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 cup peanuts
(Optional: add mini pretzels or non-chocolate
Set oven at 200 degrees
Grease 2 cookie sheets or use parchment paper
Place popcorn (and pretzels) in a large bowl
In a large heavy saucepan combine sugar, butter,
corn syrup and salt
Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally
until it comes to a rolling boil.
Cook and stir until candy thermometer comes to
238 degrees (soft ball stage)
Remove from heat, stir in baking soda
Quickly pour over popcorn, mix thoroughly, stir
in peanuts, turn out onto cookie sheets
Bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes, stir lightly,
bake an additional 20 min
remove from pans. At this point candy can be
As it is cooling break into clusters
Store in airtight plastic containers or plastic
Submitted by.....Jeanne