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'I Am
Grateful 7' For..... |
July 24th 2006
When pastor Todd and I were talking last week about
arts problem he told me
that we should listen to the sermons and if one is listen
with whole
mind this problem is being brought up in around about
idea and it was
and he did!!
This new pastor that God has brought to us has Gods ears
and heart!! I am so thankful for him and his preaching
and that I have
an open mind and heart and EARS to hear and discern what he says
ART GOT IT TOO!!! He had tears in his eyes I saw him
wipe his eyes and
I saw red in them HE HEARD He listened he felt that
message!! God
spoke to us yesterday through our minister in so many ways
God has
come home in the form of Pastor Todd!! I am eternally
grateful for this
gift that God has sent!!
Submitted by Di :)
July 24th, 2006
Today, after finally catching up on
a few days worth of mail, I realized that you all had had good
news. bad news. were sick, were to hot, had marital troubles,
health issues, sick family,,,on and on.
It really hit me today
how we feel no shame or hesitancy to sit down and tell each
other about our day. Not like some fake group with new members
all the time who never know each other LOL.
But like true friends.
Today, I am grateful for friends who
listen to each other, offer support and encouragement and never
make each other feel stupid over a question or comment.
Today, I am grateful
for a group of friends.
Oh, I am also grateful that the
other foster mother who cares for the two kids I do not want to
lose, has a sister who is considering adopting Samantha and Camaryn.
YEAH. This would keep them in the family and close enough
for visits and sleepovers etc.
Submitted by Jane :)
July 24th, 2006
We just got back from having a BBQ with the kids and girls.
Had a great time and I'm grateful that they live so close so we
are involved in their lives. As I was watching Hailee on her
grandpa's lap, hugging/kissing him and not letting him out of her
sight I realized how grateful I am for such a loving
husband. I never had any grandparents when growing up and it
never really dawned on me until I see the relationship Bob and
Hailee have :)
I know we say it quite a bit, but I often wonder if we really
take our hubbies for granted and not really think
about how good they are :)
Submitted by Val :)
July 24th, 2006
I am grateful that they got the air conditioning at work fixed
I'm grateful that my son and I were finally able to connect
yesterday. They were calling my old number and I was
calling their old number. I got thru to them on email and
got their cell phone numbers.
Submitted by Janet :)
July 24th, 2006
I am grateful to be back online and I am
grateful for getting to meet Sara! She is so sweet. I
am also grateful that today's temp was only 95 degrees for
the high! Felt like spring time. LOL
And, I am grateful for pain meds! HA HA!!
Submitted by Freda :)
July 25th, 2006
I am extremely thankful for being able to make a decision today
about going on my trip to see Colleen. With the help of Bob,
the kids and my loving FMily I will be going for a week and will
NOT feel bad about it. Hannah will do fine in the hospital
and the world does not have to sit on my shoulders :) Thanks
Submitted by Val :)
July 25th, 2006
Well gals, did you
ever feel extra blessed in some way?
I did today.
I got out of bed and
walked into the kitchen from my room and stopped dead, I thought
I was in the wrong house!
were spotless, tables shined, no clutter, dishes were done,
laundry was running, even the entry has was neat and orderly,
windows clean.
I turned
around to see my bed and make sure I went to sleep in the right
place! LOL
Jimmy, my
oldest, now 11, said "I felt you were under appreciated
around here, with all the work you do in this house, I made up
my mind you were taking a day off"
Turns out, he
got up at 6 am and cleaned and polished. When my hubby got
up at 7, he got caught up in the excitement and helped Jim do
it, then Emma got up and she pitched in.
By the time I
came out at 9 it was a whole new house. I was a lady of leisure
today :-) I watched old movies, did some grocery shopping,
worked on a painting I have been dallying around on for a week,
sat out back in the shade and had a cold beer and read a book! I
felt a bit lost without a ton of work hanging over my head, but
I ended up enjoying it.
I am grateful
for the love of a child today, one who seems to value family and
me. I can't ask for more than that.
Submitted by Jane :)