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'I Am
Grateful 10' For..... |
August 15th, 2006
Today, I was hip deep in paperwork for the state, hateful
When not dealing with paperwork I was dealing with a fruit
fly invasion
like I have never seen before, we forgot to take the compost
bucket out LOL.
In the middle of this stress and yuck, my youngest brings
in the mail and
in there was a package from a friend.
So instead of clenched jaws tonight, I am chilling with my
box fan gently
blowing on a flower windchime while I have some patchoulli
inscense burning,
smells so good. and to top that off! I am munching on the biggest,
tootsie roll I have ever eaten!
Now, my friend should NOT have sent this package, bad
friend lol.
But, my day is much improved and all of my favorite things
arrived at my
I am grateful for friends who think of you in the middle of
their own
personal issues and busy lives.
Submitted by Jane :)
August 15th, 2006
I'm grateful that Bob and I were able to have dinner with the
girls and enjoy bathing them before bedtime :)
I'm also grateful that the bathroom walls are up and things are
progressing to where I will be able to enjoy a soothing soak each
night...especially during our cold winter months :)
Submitted by Val :)
August 15th, 2006
I am grateful that I have my "new" computer and hope
that Bruce can get it working soon.
I'm grateful for our new home business and for feeling better
with their products.
I'm grateful that I can read my email on my husband's laptop
while he fixes my computer.
Submitted by Janet :)
August 16th, 2006
I'm so tired tonight that I'm not sure if I have anything in
particular to be grateful for except that I'm grateful for my
life, even with all the highs and lows of the past few
years. There's been alot of lows, but I am slowly taking
charge once again :)
Submitted by Val :)
August 23, 2006
My gratitude today is that God chose for me to be born in this
country and not another...
Submitted by Peggy :)
August 23, 2006
It sounds silly, but my gratitude for today is that my toilet is
hooked up inside and I don't have to run out to the bathroom any
more LOL! It's the little things in life that make it worth
living :)
Submitted by Val :)