Tour |
Totems |
Garden |
Archways |

Birds |
Stations |
Bird List |
Flowers |

Main Pond |

Pond |
Waterfall |

Pond |
Statues |
St. Francis |
Variety of Statues |
Odds &
Ends |

Wildlife |

Wisdom |

Some Contain Mature Content!! |
New York
City Trip |
| |
OF MY HUSBAND'S colleagues at General Electric was taking Lamaze
classes with his wife in preparation for the birth of their
baby. The first evening, couples were asked to introduce
themselves and state their occupations. A banker, a lawyer and a
psychologist spoke up, and our factory-worker friend began to
feel intimidated.
Finally his turn came. Rising to his feet, he said, "Hi!
I'm Bill." Looking down at his pregnant wife, he
quipped, "I work at GE, and I bring good things to
* MD used to stand for "Medical Doctor."
Now it stands for "Medicare Documentor."
* A doctor today is a pencil pusher with a prescription pad.
* Doctors keep a lot of people alive and happy... especially
those who sell malpractice
* If doctors had their way, they'd return to the simpler times
of long, long ago... when the
magazines in their offices were new.
* There are two places where you'll never see a clock...in Las
Vegas casinos and in Doctors' waiting rooms.
* That's one blessing of Alzheimer's disease...you keep
forgetting how long you've been waiting in the doctor's waiting
* Doctors don't really prolong your life, but when you're stuck
in the waiting room, it seems that way.
* A good doctor can add ten years to your life, but eight of
those years are spent in his waiting room.
Job Applicant...
An applicant was filling out a job application. When he came
to the question, "Have you ever been arrested?" he
wrote, "No."
The next question, intended for people who had answered in the
affirmative to the previous question, was "Why?"
The applicant answered it anyway: "Never got caught."
"The Computer Swallowed Grandma"
The computer swallowed grandma.
Yes, honestly, it's true,
She pressed 'control' and 'enter'
And disappeared from view.
It devoured her completely,
The thought just makes me squirm.
Maybe she's caught a virus
Or been eaten by a worm.
I've searched through the recycle bin
And files of every kind;
I've even used the internet,
But nothing did I find.
In desperation I asked Jeeves
My search to refine.
The reply from him was negative,
Not a thing was found 'online'.
So, if inside your 'inbox',
My grandma you should see,
Please 'copy', 'scan', and 'paste' her
And email back to me!