If the Meek are going to inherit the Earth . . .
they'd better have environmental suits.
Rain Cumiskey
"No person was ever honored for what he received.
Honor has been the reward for what he gave."
Calvin Coolidge
1872-1933, Thirtieth President of the United States
One of my favorite quotes is "Golf is
a good walk spoiled" -
Mark Twain
since I see no point in hitting a little ball over a waste
of a lawn when
it could be all wildflowers, into a little cup for no
reason. ;-)
Lady Lavender of Teal
"He who limps is Still Walking" Stanislaw J. Lec.
I may be limping by God, but I will still keep
and doing what I can.
Hugs Jane
Grandchildren are so innocent, they
have unconditional love.
Those arms clinging around your neck is the softest,
strongest kindest way to say LOVE!!
Like having angels from God hug you.
YES, I belieive it is God's way to hug you!!!
Dianne Kee
"Why in heaven's name would anyone want to teach an
old dog new tricks?
It's hell tryin' to figure out the ones he already
Rain Cumiskey
"If you give up things you love, you
can feel like your
health is controlling you."
Jeanne Perry
"War does not determine who it right,
it determines who is left."
Winston Churchill