- Valley East Mens' Slo-Pitch League
Is Under Way For Another Summer
- New Medical Clinic In Val Caron
Will Give Hope For Local Residents In Need of A Family Doctor
- Opening of Revolutionary Style of
Banking Facility Ushers In A New Era Of Customer Service
- Valley East Soccer Club Closes Off
Another Fantastic Season With A Record Number of Participants
- Valley East Will
Be The Home of The First Green School In Northern Ontario
- Club Optimiste de Vallee Est Holds
Another Successful Bike Rodeo
- 8th Annual Blooperball Tournament
Donates Funds Top ALS Society To Help Fight Lou Gehrig's Disease
- 2007 Farewell Performance By
Evolutionary Band Leaves No Doubt In Anyone's Mind About The
Tremendous Talent Among These Young Musicians, Performers & Crew
- Confederation Football Teams Turn
Out For Car Wash To Help Purchase Equipment For Next Season
Valley East Mens' Slo-Pitch League
Is Under Way For Another Summer |
Ryan Kirwan, manager of the Auto Tech entry in the Valley
East Men's Slo-Pitch League, shows his veteran form as he waits patiently
for the ball to come to the plate before sending it to the outfield for
another hit. |
Ryan who is shown below on the left with teammate and good
friend Al Soucie, look forward all winter long to getting back on the
field twice a week to enjoy some good-natured competition and to spend
time with the "boys of summer". |
Close to 300 men of all ages participate on the 16 teams
that make up one of the oldest leagues in the region. Guys like Troy
Troscinski, pitching below, and Brendan "Mud" Murdock take to
the fields every Tuesday and Thursday with games beginning at 6:30, 8:00
and 9:30 p.m. They play on the Centennial Fields by Centennial Arena and
also at the St. Joseph Ball Park beside the Lions' Den in Hanmer. |
New Medical Clinic In Val Caron
Will Give Hope For Local Residents In Need of A Family Doctor |
Dr. Alfred Nkut stands in front of the site of the New
Medical Clinic he will be opening in Val Caron on June 4, 2007. It is
located right next to McDonald's where Valley Physio Center once operated.
The Val Caron Medical Clinic will be open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m.
What will be of most interest to local residents is that Dr. Nkut IS
ACCEPTING new patients and encourages you to contact him if you do not
have your own family doctor.
The second thing that will be of interest to local residents is that
Dr. Nkut will be taking "Walk-in-Patients" during his open
hours. This marks the opening of the ONLY DAY WALK-IN-CLINIC IN VALLEY
"Most of the people I've spoken with think that a clinic would
best serve the needs of this community at the moment," stated Dr.
Nkut during a recent interview. "I share the belief because I've seen
the long waits at the clinics when I work. Additionally, people wouldn't
have to travel to Sudbury to see a physician."
Dr. Nkut has been practicing family medicine for over 12 years. He
operated a practice on Lasalle Blvd. for two years before closing up for
six months to study. He and his wife, who is also a medical professional,
have chosen to remain in the Greater Sudbury Area where they will devote
their lives to serving people in need of their special skills.
Dr. Nkut invites you to call his office at 897-2345 for more
information on how you can register you and your family members as new
patients. |
Opening of Revolutionary Style of
Banking Facility Ushers In A New Era Of Customer Service |
“One Team – One Goal - Customer Service” is the sincere
commitment of the group of five professionals who will be responsible for
serving customers at the recently completed Scotiabank branch in Val
Caron. They are shown above in the photo and are, from the left: Melanie
Thompson, Customer Support Representative; Lisa Welsh, Personal Banking
Officer; Sharon Lavallee, Personal Banking Officer; Sue Carriere, Customer
Relations Representative; and Shawn Carlson, Financial Advisor. Together
they offer local residents a complete package of the financial services
available through Scotiabank, one of
premier financial institutions and
most international bank serving about 10 million customers in some 50
countries worldwide.
The Grand Opening of Scotiabank’s Val Caron Branch has signalled
a new beginning, not only for one of the most respected financial
institutions in the country, but also for the community of
Guy Labine, Chair of the Greater Sudbury Development Committee
summed it up best, “When a bank decides to open up a new facility, you
know things are going well.”
Mayor John Rodriguez, on the left, stated during his welcome
speech, “I know that
has arrived now that Scotiabank has arrived.”
Ward 5 Councillor, Ron Dupuis was happy to see opening day arrive.
“Scotiabank is already saving me money in gas now that I don’t have to
travel to the Azilda Branch to do my banking.”
In addressing the crowd of several dozen guests on hand for the
Grand Opening, Steve Irwin, Community Manager for Scotiabank, who is shown
below when the ribbon was cut, stated, “The opening of the Val Caron
branch marks the eighth branch opened in the Greater Sudbury area by
Scotiabank and a further investment into
of close to $1,000,000. The opening of the branch brings the number of
employees in the Scotiabank group in
to more than 180.”
Irwin explained that the Val Caron branch represents a new concept
for Banking in
“This is the first branch without tellers, but with a qualified sales
force to assist all customers with the investment and borrowing options
they may wish to pursue. Our Automated Banking Machines, including our
drive thru machine, enables customers to do what they could have done at a
teller, such as being paying bills, transferring funds, withdrawing money,
depositing money, etc.”
John Roberts, District Manager of Ontario North is shown
above preparing to cut the ribbon to officially mark the opening of the
Scotiabank Val Caron Branch. The group included, from the left: Steve
Irwin, Community Manager for
Scotiabank, Roberts, Christopher
Hodgson, Executive Vice-President and Head of Domestic Personal Banking
Shawn Carlson, Financial Advisor, and Caterina Crosbie, Manager Customer
Service. |
Hodgson, Executive Vice-President and Head of Domestic Personal Banking
was on hand to express his best wishes and to present a special donation
of $5000 to the Evolutionary Band of Confederation Secondary School.
Hodgson’s personal attendance at the Grand Opening and his presentation
to Evolutionary were symbolic of the pride Scotiabank takes in its
involvement in the community and its care for the community, regardless of
its size.
Mike Mirka, Principal of Confederation Secondary School accepted the
cheque on behalf of the band which was away on a performance tour in
Southern Ontario the day of the opening. Mirka thanked Scotiabank for its
support, indicating that he money would be put to good use the showcase
the talents of this remarkable group of musicians and performers.
Scotiabank Val Caron branch will feature convenient extended hours during
the week and will be open on Saturdays for appointments and/or drop-in
consultation and service. Tuesday and Wednesday the branch will be open
Thursday and Friday from
and on Saturdays from
You can drop in during any of those hours and speak to Sue Carriere who
will help you make arrangements to see the member of the “team” who
can best serve your particular needs.
Drop in soon to tour the state-of-the art facility and discover the
Scotiabank experience. |
Valley East Soccer Club Closes Off
Another Fantastic Season With A Record Number of Participants |

The race to the bench at half-time was a good example of
what the Valley East Soccer Club is all about.
Although the girls from Suzanne's Sub Shop were engaged in a highly
competitive game against their season-long rivals from Dixie Lee in the
championship game of the U8 Girls Division, the half-time break for
freezies was all that mattered at this moment. |

As Miranda Onucky tries to dribble through a sea of red
jerseys, it is clear that the girls have a true competitive spirit. But
when the game ended in a 2-2 tie and was eventually won by Dixie Lee with
Penalty Kicks, everyone took their trophies and headed home with a feeling
of accomplishment and very satisfied with the way the 2007 season turned
The number of people participating on Valley East Soccer Club teams
reached a record high in 2007 with a total of 1786 boys and girls as well
as men and women taking to the field during the past three months.
The players range from 4 years of age to adults too old to care about
their age. This year saw a total of 17 adult teams in the organization
with 12 teams in the U-25 division and another 5 teams in the Over-25
division where the average age was somewhere around 35 years of age.
Players come mostly from Valley East and Capreol, but there were
participants from Garson and Sudbury as well.
The Valley East Soccer Club is the largest minor soccer organization in
the City of Greater Sudbury. Most of the games are played at the Howard
Armstrong Recreational Centre which consists of seven fields at the
present time. When the 2008 season begins there will be a total of 18
fields in play as a result of the nearly-complete expansion. That will
mean that all games will be played at one centre instead of being spread
around to other fields like the one at Hanmer High School and
Confederation Secondary School.
There are no statistics or standings kept during the regular season. In
fact, the only times during the year when scores are recorded are during
the Annual tournament in June and the Playoff Weekend that took place from
August 10 to 12. Everyone in the league received a trophy at the end of
their final game on tournament weekend, so everyone goes home a winner.
The Valley East Soccer Club also fields competitive teams in the
younger divisions as well as all-star teams that enter several tournaments
during the year. The organization is lead by a solid group of dedicated
executive board members who work hard during the off-season to make sure
that everything works with precision during the season.
Expectations are already high for the 2008 season when enrolment is
expected to hit a new high of over 1800.
Congratulations to all players, officials, parents, and volunteers on
another great season of soccer. |

Valley East Will
Be The Home of The First Green School In Northern Ontario |
Dena Morrison, Chair of the Rainbow District
School Board came prepared for her tour of Northern Ontario's first GREEN
SCHOOL on July 5, 2007. Trustees as well as media representatives were
invited to get a first hand look at some of the unique features that are
being built into Valley View Public School, the first new school built by
the Rainbow Board in over 40 years. Dena brought her hard hat and her work
shoes just in case they would be needed to walk around the construction
Club Optimiste de Vallee Est Holds
Another Successful Bike Rodeo |
Congratulations go out to Club Optimiste de Vallee Est on
hosting another fantastic bike rodeo on Saturday, June 9, 2007. This year
the event was co-sponsored by the Valley East Community Action Network who
provided many volunteers as well as the Sudbury Regional Police
Co-ordinator of the event, Sue Beaudry, was thrilled with the turn out
of 148 registered names who took part in the safety and skills trials.
Besides the Bike Rodeo, visitors were also able to enjoy hot dogs and
refreshments as well as purchase some fund-raising merchandise that was
being sold by the Club. In addition, there were eight participants who
walked away with new bicycles. They were: Donovan Legault, Nash Bertrand,
Meagan Boyd, Mackenzie Theriault, Simon Gray, Gabrielle Harte, Michael
Gascon and Austin Hallett.
Sue wished to thank all of the volunteers and the businesses who
donated to the success of the event.
8th Annual Blooperball Tournament
Donates Funds Top ALS Society To Help Fight Lou Gehrig's Disease |
The minnow race was one of the most popular games during
the 8th Annual Confederation Secondary School Blooperball Tournament Day
held on Monday, June 11, 2007. Prime Minister of the Student Parliament,
Laura Cirelli, is shown trying to encourage her "minnow" to swim
down the lane to victory. Laura, along with Amanda Alcock, Minister of
Public Affairs, were the two co-chairs of the event which was open to the
entire student body at the school.
The Blooperball Tournament has been organized for the past eight years
by Laura Aubertin's Grade 12 Exercise Science Class. This is a project
that they work on all year long and each year they adopt a worthwhile
charity to donate any funds they raise. The total this year was expected
to be around $1000.
Six teams of ten students and two teachers participated in the actual
tournament. Other students were free to take part in a variety of games
and activities that were set up on the school property.
2007 Farewell Performance By
Evolutionary Band Leaves No Doubt In Anyone's Mind About The
Tremendous Talent Among These Young Musicians, Performers & Crew |
Confederation Secondary
School's Famous Evolutionary Band closed out their 2006-2007 season with a
spectacular OUTDOOR CONCERT in the parking lot of the Hanmer Valley Shopping
Centre on Saturday June 2, 2007. This concert provided
an opportunity for an estimated 600 people to see these
talented young performers in action. Some remained for
the entire show, while others watched for 20 minutes or
so under the hot mid-day sun. Evolutionary has performed
underground setting a Guinness World Record and they are
going to be the subject of a major film documentary,
some of the footage which was filmed during the concert.
This band has inspired students throughout the
region to improve their reading and develop a positive
attitude towards things such as anti-bullying and
literacy. All who saw the concert were absolutely
impressed with the professionalism displayed by the
students who performed non-stop for almost 90 minutes on
one of the hottest, most humid days of the year. For
photos taken during the concert go
here>>>>> |
Confederation Football Teams Turn
Out For Car Wash To Help Purchase Equipment For Next Season |
Ms. Angela Rogers, on the far left of the photo below,
spent an exciting Saturday at the mall on June 2 with members of the boys
and girls football teams from Confederation Secondary School. She didn't
do much shopping, but rather supervised her student volunteers as they
washed cars to raise much needed money to help defray some of the costs of
running a successful football program at the school. Rogers coaches the
girls flag football team. The event also marked "Charger Day" at
the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre as Confed's Evolutionary Band put on an
outdoor concert later on in the afternoon. |