Club Optimiste de Vallee Est Holds
Another Successful Bike Rodeo |
go out to Club Optimiste de Vallee Est on hosting another fantastic bike
rodeo on Saturday, June 9, 2007. This year the event was co-sponsored by
the Valley East Community Action Network who provided many volunteers as
well as the Sudbury Regional Police Department.
Co-ordinator of the event, Sue Beaudry, shown to the left, was thrilled
with the turn out of 148 registered names who took part in the safety and
skills trials.
Besides the Bike Rodeo, visitors were also able to enjoy hot dogs and
refreshments as well as purchase some fund-raising merchandise that was
being sold by the Club. Sue wished to thank all of the volunteers
and the businesses who donated to the success of the event.
In addition, there were eight participants who walked away
with new bicycles. They were: Donovan Legault, Nash Bertrand, Meagan Boyd,
Mackenzie Theriault, Simon Gray, Gabrielle Harte, Michael Gascon and
Austin Hallett. |