
- Carissa Henry Takes Part In Coop
Program With The Vision Paper
- Bishop Alexander Carter Girls Hockey Club
Having Fun During Inaugural Season
- 2nd Annual Bishop Alexander Carter Spaghetti Dinner
- Leadership &
Citizen Skill Development Are Important Benefits For Young Cadets
- 3rd Annual Spaghetti Dinner At
Bishop Alexander Carter A Huge Success
- Grade 12 Students From Bishop
Alexander Carter Secondary School Enjoy Presentation During Fire
Safety Prevention Week
- 2915 Royal Canadian Army Cadet
Corps Irish Regiment of Canada Capreol Group Gains Money and
Recruits From Visit To the Mall

Carissa Henry Gets First Hand Experience In Journalism
Working At The Vision Paper |
Don’t hang up! That
pleasant female voice you hear when you call The Vision Paper during
the afternoons between now and the end of June will be that of
Carissa Henry, 17, a Grade 12 student from
Secondary School
. Carissa is participating in the
Cooperative Education Program during the second semester. She will
be doing her placement at The Vision Paper, handling a wide range of
responsibilities designed to give her a taste of what it is like to
work in a community newspaper environment.
Carissa is planning on enrolling in the Journalism Program at
once she graduates, so the placement
will give her a chance to see what this kind of career is all about.
“I like to read magazines and I always dreamed about having my own
column or writing articles that would be published in those
I first met Carissa when she was in one of my Grade 7 English
classes at
. She was one of those students who
stick out in your memory as a teacher. This was a young girl who was
polite and attentive in class. Even back then she seemed to
genuinely enjoy writing weekly essays, short stories, and working on
projects, so her love of writing has obviously been a passion of
hers for a long time. While I cannot remember specific details about
her writing, I do recall that she had a special gift that made her
work stand out from the others.
Carissa is a member of the Yearbook Committee and is also
Secretary of the Student Council. Besides that, she enjoys playing
school sports such as soccer, volleyball and hockey. This has,
therefore, been a very busy year.
For the next few months, Carissa will pack up her books every
day at
, trading in her classroom desk for
the desk in the main reception area of the Vision Paper, where she
will remain on duty from
12 noon
4:30 p.m.
From time to time, Carissa’s articles and columns will also appear in
The Vision Paper.
As I look at her sitting at the computer, I wonder if Carissa
ever imagined she would one day be writing stories WITH her former
Grade 7 English Teacher instead of FOR HIM? This time, I promise,
she won’t have to worry about being marked on her work.
All of the staff of The Vision Paper, including myself, the
Publisher, Pierre Charette, and the General Manager, Jean-Guy
Charette, are very pleased to welcome Carissa to the “team” and
sincerely hope we can be of some assistance in helping her achieve
her dream of one day becoming a professional journalist.
Bishop Alexander Carter Girls Hockey Club
Having Fun During Inaugural Season |

The 13 girls who form the first ever Bishop Alexander
Carter Catholic Secondary School hockey club are making history during the
2005-2006 school year.
Even if they don't win any championships, there will never be another
"first ever" girls hockey team at the school. And judging from
the positive attitude of the girls, they are certainly establishing a
great foundation for the future of this sport at their school.
Three of the players are shown in the photo while they supervised a
fund-raising table at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre. They are, from
the left: Allison Langlois who plays forward; Kylie Fawcett who is on
defense; and Skylar Boyle, who is a forward. All three girls are 15 years
of age and all are in Grade 10.
The team coach is Kristy MacKenzie, who is trying to follow in her
father's footsteps as a hockey coach. Ken MacKenzie, became
well-known in the region as one of the most successful and popular coaches
of the Sudbury Wolves and later with the Rayside Balfour Sabrecats. Kristy
stated that Ken often comes out to help with practices. Many local fans
will also recall her brother, Derek MacKenzie, the former captain of the
Sudbury Wolves who now toils as a professional with the Chicago Wolves.
Kristy teaches math, phys. ed and art at the school.
Kristy herself was an accomplished hockey player who stayed in the game
until the end of her Midget 'AA' season. She was offered scholarships to
schools in the United States, but declined. In fact, Kristy commented that
while watching Team Canada win the Gold at the Olympics, she saw a number
of former team mates on the club.
The Bishop Alexander Carter hockey team conducted a raffle for an autographed Ottawa Senators jersey in order
to raise funds for the operating expenses of the team. It is hoped that
their fund-raising will be successful enough to help them purchase 'away
jerseys' for the 2006-2007 season. The
draw will be held on March 2, 2006.
The girls returned to the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre to
sell more tickets on Saturday February 25, 2006, when two current stars
from the Sudbury Wolves, Benoit Pouliot and Marc Staal were in the mall
from 2 - 3 p.m. to sign autographs. Below, we see Carissa Henri and
Allison Langlois with their coach, Kristy MacKenzie, standing. Carissa is
a 17 year old Grade 12 student at the school. |

The girls played a total of ten (10) regular season games
in the Division II High School League during the 2005-2006 season. While
they ended up with a record of 1 win, 6 losses and 3 ties, they never lost
their positive attitude. Most of the girls on the team are in Grade 9 or
10, so they will all be returning for the next couple of seasons.
They attended a tournament in Toronto where they came second in the
"D" Division. This was definitely a high point of the season.
"Most of the other schools already have a well-established girls'
hockey program," explained Kristy. "I watched some of the
Division I games and there are some pretty good hockey players around. A
lot of the better girls also play on other house league or rep teams and
the top players are usually all playing in the Sudbury Regional Girls
Hockey League. You can tell by the colour of their socks."
Kristy went on, "The girls are already talking about next season.
Even though we didn't achieve much on-ice success, it was a great building
year and next year looks like it will be a whole lot better. |

Eyebrows were raised the other day at Desjardins’ Food Basics
when Carissa Henry, 17, started to fill her shopping cart with bag after
bag of spaghetti. Carissa, who attends Grade 12 at Bishop Alexander Carter
Catholic Secondary School in Hanmer, was on a mission to pick up supplies
for the 2nd Annual Bishop Alexander Carter Spaghetti Dinner
which is being put on by her ‘Leadership Class’ under the direction of
their teacher, Mr. Jean-Gilles Larocque.
The dinner will be held at the school at 539 Francis Street in
Hanmer, on
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
8 p.m.
At only $5.00 per ticket, it is expected that the crowds will be
quite large for the event, which is being held as a fund-raiser to help
defray the costs of several school initiatives.
Mr. Larocque, on behalf of the ‘Leadership Class’, is extending
an invitation to the entire community to drop in for a delicious dinner
and get in on a chance to win valuable door prizes.
The major sponsors of the Spaghetti Dinner are Desjardins’ Food
Basics and
M & M Meats. Their contributions have been much appreciated.
This will be a great way for you to show your support for the
students who are working hard to make this a successful community event.
Besides helping the young school raise money to buy equipment, you will
also be treating yourself and your family to a wonderful dinner.
For more information on the 2nd Annual Bishop Alexander
Carter Spaghetti Dinner, call 969-2212 Ext. 135.

Leadership &
Citizen Skill Development Are Important Benefits For Young Cadets |
Sgt. Amber Appleby, on the left, a Grade 10 student at
Bishop Alexander Carter, and Cpl. Nic Topps, a Grade 9 student at Loellen
Park Secondary School, have both been members of the 200 Wolf Squadron
Royal Canadian Air Cadets for the past two years. They were proudly
serving their squadron during a recent fund-raising event held across
Sudbury outside of local LCBO outlets.
Sgt. Appleby and Cpl. Topps meet with some 80 other young members of
the region every Tuesday evening at the Sudbury Armories on Riverside
Drive. They go through their drills and instruction from 6 to 9 p.m. In
addition to the Tuesday night activities, Sgt. Appleby is learning to play
the bagpipes and Cpl. Topps is playing the snare drum for the squadron.
What impressed this writer the most when speaking to these two
teenagers was their phenomenal poise and respect. And you could tell that
it wasn't something they were doing just because they had the uniform on
or because they were afraid of being spotted by a superior officer. You
could sense that these two young people had already incorporated these
positive characteristics into their very nature. You could sense that they
most likely act no differently while in the hallways of their respective
secondary schools, or walking through the malls with their friends.
Sgt. Appleby confirmed this observation, "My friends have accepted
me for who I am. They know that I am proud to be a Cadet and that I am
proud of the way I now have a new respect for people and life in general.
They don't make fun of me for having my moral values and self-respect and
they don't ask me to do anything that they know I won't be comfortable
Cpl. Topps also acknowledged this fact, "In the beginning some of
my friends joked around and teased me, but after a while they respected me
and they also appreciated the way I respected them. This is who I am and
it hasn't been a difficult transition to make."
Both indicated that their training and experiences with the 200 Wolf
Squadron has had a profound impact on their school work. They feel that it
has allowed them to set goals and focus on the achievement of those goals
- both academically and personally. The way of life they have adopted is
one that is based on respect for life and individuals, not out of duty to
your rank, but out of your duty as a human being.
Sgt. Amber Appleby and Cpl. Nic Topps are two young people who will be
successful in their future endeavours. You can just sense it.
If you are between 12 and 18 years of age, drop by the Sudbury Armories
any Tuesday night between 6 and 9 p.m. to talk to someone about becoming a
member of the 200 Wolf Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets. |

Mixed Doubles
Bishop Alexander Carter
539 Francis Street, Hanmer
For All Men and Women
16 Years and older
8:00 to 9:00 p.m.
$20 Registration Per Year
Contact: Larry at 969-5023
or Vic at 969-7180 |

3rd Annual Spaghetti Dinner At
Bishop Alexander Carter A Huge Success |
Eric Spence, President of the Bishop Alexander Carter Catholic Secondary
School Student Council and Lindsey Whiteside, a member of the Grade 12
Student Leadership Class, were on hand to welcome visitors to the 3rd Annual
Spaghetti Dinner which was held on Thursday, November 9, 2006. The theme of
the Spaghetti Dinner was "Remembrance Day" in honour of the heroes
who have lost their lives in recent conflicts around the world. The dinner
was sponsored by the Grade 12 Leadership Class to raise funds for the sports
program at the school. Approximately 400 people attended the event. All of
the food was donated by Desjardins' Food Basics and all of the desserts were
donated by M & M Meat Shop in Val Caron.
Eric Spence is currently in Grade 12 and is planning on attending Brock
University next September where he will take Business Management and
Corporate Law. Lindsay will be attending the Dental Hygeine Program at
Cambrian College in Sudbury.
For more photos of the people who helped make this event such a huge
success, click the link below.
For More Photos Click Here

Grade 12 Students From Bishop
Alexander Carter Secondary School Enjoy Presentation During Fire
Safety Prevention Week |
It was a cold and rainy
day, and perhaps the last thing any of the Grade 12 students from Bishop
Alexander Carter Catholic Secondary School were thinking about on October
11, 2006 was fire safety.
However, by the time Public Safety Officer, Leo Frappier was finished,
they all left the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre with much more respect for
the devastating impact fire can have in residential and commercial
The Fire Services section of the Greater Sudbury Emergency Services
Department conducted many school and public demonstrations and displays
during the week to try to bring a higher level of awareness among the
public, and in particular the younger segment of the population, of the
major issues with respect to fire safety.
"There are still some people who are unaware of our smoke detector
policy which requires all residential establishments to have at least one
smoke detector on each floor," explained Frappier. These public
presentations give us an opportunity to drive home some of the
responsibilities we all have to prevent fire from destroying our lives and
the lives of others around us.
"Sparky", that lovable mascot that always draws the attention
of the younger crowd, was on hand.
Besides the presentation to the students, representatives from the Fire
Services Department were available all day long to talk to the general
public and to hand out information brochures and children's colouring
Phoebe Rouse, shown
in the photo on the left, is on a placement with the Fires Services
Department during the first semester. She will remain on a full-time
placement until the end of January when she will return to Confederation
Secondary School to complete the rest of her Grade 12 credits.
Despite the fact that Phoebe may have to return to school during the
fall 2007 semester to take a few other credits before qualifying for a
university program, she stated that she is very glad that she took part in
the cooperative education option. The experience has done her a world of
good and she has definitely learned a lot by working with the staff of the
Fire Services Department.

2915 Royal Canadian Army Cadet
Corps Irish Regiment of Canada Capreol Group Gains Money and
Recruits From Visit To the Mall |

Members of the 2915 R.C (Army) C.C. Irish Regiment of
Canada are shown above before their "Tour of Duty" during a
special fund-raising "tag day" at the Hanmer Valley Shopping
Centre on September 29 & 30, 2006. Company Sergeant Major Karie
Belisle, 2nd from the left in the kilt, was in charge of organizing her
group and she demonstrated why she is in her position of responsibility.
Others in the photo, from the left, included: Captain Norm Duffy; CSM
Belisle; MCPL Belanger; MCPL Harpe; CPL Deschamp; PVT Schreader; CPL
Spurrell; PVT Brunet; SGT Belanger; and 2LT Joan Dumontelle.
Company Sergeant Major Belisle, a resident of Hanmer, has been with the
"Capreol Cadets" for the past four years. She is a Grade 12
student at Confederation Secondary School and is the top ranking cadet in
her corps. She feels that being a member of the Cadets has definitely
helped her in a great many ways.
Captain Norm Duffy oversees the operations of the Capreol Cadets and he
feels that, "This definitely something that every kid should try, but
it is not for everyone." He continued to explain, "The goal of
the Irish Regiment of Canada is to produce better citizens, promote
physical fitness, and give young people insight into the Canadian Armed
Forces. It helps boys and girls develop self-confidence, poise, and a
sense of respect for their fellow man and for authority. Many people say
that you don't belong to Cadets; you are adopted by Cadets.
The tag day at the mall is the major fund-raiser of the year for the
Capreol Cadets and they appreciate the support that the public has always
shown them. |

As well as raising money, the time at the mall was also
used to provide awareness of the program and hopefully recruit more
members. In the photo above, Heather Richer, on the left, and SGT Ashley
Belanger are manning the recruiting table.
Heather is no longer an active member of the Corps, having retired from
her position as Company Sergeant Major to make room for the person
currently in the role, Company Sergeant Major Karie Belisle. Heather
joined the Corps as a shy 12 year old girl who lacked in outward self
confidence. By the time she left the Corps, she was the top ranking Cadet
and is now enrolled in the 1st year of the Concurrent Education Program at
Laurentian University, with a goal of becoming a high school teacher. She
also plans to travels all over the province and country speaking to groups
about the Cadet program as a Civilian Instructor.
"I thought it would be an interesting thing to do," Heather
explained. "I tried to get in when I was eleven, but they wouldn't
let me. I've been to summer camps where you get paid a lot more than if
you work at a fast food restaurant or retail store and I've met friends
from all over the world."
A total of 36 teenage boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 19
belong to the Capreol Corps. They come from Capreol, Valley East and
Garson. There is no fee to join the Corps and all of the material and
uniforms are provided free of charge. The group meets every Wednesday
evening from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Millennium Centre in Capreol. They
also get together for several weekend activities, such as the tag day,
during the year.
If you are interested in finding out more about the 2915 R.C (Army)
C.C. Irish Regiment of Canada, you can call (705) 858-3220 and leave a
message. |
The Co-op Education Program is one of the best things that
ever happened to the Ontario Education System. Students who enrol in the
program have an opportunity to work for half a day in a real-life business
setting while earning two credits towards their secondary school diploma.
More importantly, these students get practical, hands-on experience
which will help them decide on an appropriate career choice.
The Co-op Education Class at BAC contained thirteen students during the
second term of the 2005-2006 school year. They put on an exhibition for
the rest of the school to explain details of their co-op experience. |

Ministry of Northern Development & Mines |

The Vision Paper |

Golded Pizzeria - Val Caron |

St. Vincent de Paul |

The Saan Store - Val Est Mall |

Science North |

Ecole Notre Dame - Hanmer |

Marona Kitchen Cabinets |

Imperial Collision - Valley East Industrial Park |

Golden Years Retirement Home |

St. Anne Catholic School - Hanmer |

Computers For Schools - Ontario
Collage Boreal Location |