- Scotiabank To Open New Branch In Val Caron
- Tom Guthrie Wins 2006 Pontiac Wave As
Grand Prize Winner In Valley East Lions Club Draw
- Valley East Community Theatre Holds
Fall Penny Table Fund-Raiser At the Mall
- Valley East Community Action Network
Provides Opportunity For Public To Participate In Many Worthwhile
- Couple Travels All
Over North America And Decides To Settle Down In Valley East
- Joe Ann's Market Research
Collects Important Information From Local Consumers
- 2006 Valley East
Sports Hall of Fame Inductions Held During Valley East Lions Charity
- Valley East Lions Charity Days
Kicks Off The Day With Popular Pancake Breakfast Sponsored by
Desjardins' Food Basics
- Canadian Red Cross Youth Group
Is Looking For Members Who Want To Have Fun
- CIBC Run For The
Cure Sets Up In The Mall To Raise Funds For Breast Cancer Research
- Our Children / Our Future Raising
Funds By Selling Tickets To Councillors' Breakfast at Valley East
Lions Charity Days
Scotiabank To Open New Branch In Val Caron |
Roberts, District Vice President of Scotiabank Ontario North, on the
right, and Mayor of the City of
Greater Sudbury
, David Courtemanche, take part in the
symbolic ground-breaking ceremony on the site of the future Val Caron
Branch of Scotiabank, which will be situated right beside the new Rexall
Pharma Plus.
The ceremony was held
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
and was attended by close to two dozen
dignatories and spectators. The 3000 square foot, million dollar facility
is scheduled to open for business in March 2007. This will be the 8th
Scotiabank branch in Greater Sudbury and represents Scotiabank’s
commitment to serving the community.
The Val Caron Branch
will have a staff of five full-time employees when it opens and will
feature a 24-hour drive through as will as flex-hours to accommodate the
needs of local residents.
Steve Irwin, Community
, was master of ceremonies of the event
which included a presentation of a cheque for $2500 to Normand Gauthier,
President of the Club Richelieu de la Vallee as a symbol of Scotiabank’s
support for community groups and organizations.
In the photo below, Steve Irwin, on the left is shown with John
Roberts on the right, presenting the cheque to Normand Gauthier.
Tom Guthrie Wins 2006 Pontiac Wave As
Grand Prize Winner In Valley East Lions Club Draw |
Rolly Albert, on the left, and Roger Brideau, two long-time
members of the Valley East Lions Club, spent many hours
selling tickets at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre on a brand new 2006 Pontiac Wave
automobile that Tom Guthrie, with ticket #751, will enjoy driving for the
next several years or more.
The draw was held in conjunction with the
Valley East Charity Days Event which will took place on
Saturday, September 9, 2006 at the Centennial Arena.
Less than 1200 tickets were sold on the automobile at only $20 each,
making this one of the best chances of the year for such a draw.
The proceeds from the sale of the tickets will be donated to
several local parishes in Valley East.
Every 100th ticket also produced $50 in cash for the holder. Those
winning numbers were: 1000; 1142; 493; 727; 639; 119; 915; 566; 930; 775;
and 789 |
Valley East Community Theatre Holds
Fall Penny Table Fund-Raiser At the Mall |
The Valley East Community Theatre Group held its Annual Fall Penny Table
Fund-Raiser at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre on September 15 & 17,
and judging from the reaction of Sandra Desjardins, Secretary of the Board
of Directors, on the left, and Muriel Lalonde, Logistics Director &
Front of House Manager, it was a huge success. The group is looking forward
to its next production, "A Christmas Survival Guide",
a modern musical comedy which will be running on November 24, 25, 26, and 30
as well as December 1 & 2 at Ecole Hanmer Secondaire in Hanmer. More information about the Theatre Group can be
found on the web site at www.valleycommunitytheatre.com
Valley East Community Action Network
Provides Opportunity For Public To Participate In Many Worthwhile
Projects |
The Valley East Community Action Network had a very attractive display set
up during the Valley East Lions Charity Days on September 9, 2006. From the
left we have: Mike Lauzon, Valley East Trail Sub-Committee; Marc Tasse,
Chair of the VECAN; Shirley Baxter, Secretary; Nellie Lanteigne, Member; and
Claudette Lahti-Ouwens, Member. More information can be found about the
VECAN by visiting their web space at http://communities.mysudbury.ca/Sites/vecan
Couple Travels All
Over North America And Decides To Settle Down In Valley East |
Val Alphen, one of our local Hanmer residents, sent Valley East Today some
information about some friends of theirs who have just recently decided to
settle in Valley East.
Denis and Velma Laplante, shown on the left, originated from Iroquois
Falls and Timmins. They have spent the past 15 years living in St.
On September 29, 2005, Denis and Velma put everything they owned in
storage and embarked on a 128 stop tour of Northern Ontario that brought
them all the way back to Hanmer on Monday, September 4, 2006. You can visit
their web site to see some photos and memories that they collected during
their tour.
They parked their trailer in the driveway of Monique and Jim Van Alphen
and after a few days decided that this was where they wanted to settle down.
On September 8, Denis announced on his web site, "Tomorrow we will sign
a rental agreement in Capreol. Capreol will be our new home town. It is a
Northerly part of Sudbury. This will be a start of a new life style. It
seems like a nice friendly area and is close to another friendly area Hamner
where our friends live. We will visit my dad in Iroquois Falls for his
birthday and then head back to St. Catharines to say good-bye for now to our
friends there and pick up our furniture and stuff."
Apparently the Laplantes will be staying in Capreol until they can find a
new permanent home in Hanmer.

Monique Van Alphen commented, " I think it speaks volumes that after
touring our vast beautiful country they have chosen the valley to call home.
They really like the warm friendly community feel and are excited to get to
know the area. I think they are great candidates to receive a Welcome Home
gift basket from the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre, which I feel is a
wonderful way to extend our open arms to them in our community."
Make sure you take time to visit their web site and see some of the
fantastic scenery they discovered during the trip of a lifetime. The web
site is at www.delaplante.ca
Joe Ann's Market Research
Collects Important Information From Local Consumers |
JoeAnn's Market Research Group was in the mall from September 7 to 9
conducting research on household product usage by local residents. JoeAnn
Corneau, shown above has been involved in this type of work for many years
now and is contracted by large international companies to conduct market
research on new and existing products. Interviews usually take no longer
than 15 minutes and participants are given some small token of appreciation
for their time and cooperation. Market research results are very important
in the marketing and distribution of all products, so the information
collected by JoeAnn and her assistants is extremely useful. The next time
you see JoeAnn in the mall, stop by and see what type of research she is
involved. Your input may be needed.
2006 Valley East
Sports Hall of Fame Inductions Held During Valley East Lions Charity
Days |
The 8th Annual Valley East Sports Hall of Fame Inductions
were held on Saturday, September 9 during the Valley East Lions Charity
Days at the Centennial Arena in Hanmer. The Master of Ceremonies was Ron
Dupuis, standing at the far right of the photo above. Ron is also the
Chairman of the Selection Committee. Others in the photo, from the left,
include: Andre Rivest, who, along with Shelley Martel (3rd from the left)
assisted Ron in making the presentations.
The remainder of the people in the photo include the 2006 inductees.
Ken and Bonnie Davidson were inducted in the Sponsor Category as owners of
the Tim Horton's Franchise in Val Caron. Eric Larochelle, 3rd from the
right, was inducted in the Amateur Athlete Category, and Gabby Laberge,
2nd from the right, was the 2006 Volunteer Inductee. |
is shown at the left receiving her plaque and gifts from Shelley Martel,
MPP for Nickel Belt. In the background is Gabby's long time friend, Hilda
Kingsley, who was the first Volunteer Hall of Famer every inducted into
the Hall of Fame in 1998.
Hilda pointed out how devoted Gabby has been over the years, especially
in her fund-raising role with the Valley East Cobra 'AAA' Midget Hockey
"Gabby is most deserving of this award," Hilda explained.
"She works full time and still volunteers at the Elizabeth Centre. On
top of that she spends countless hours with me as we try to raise money
for the hockey team. She goes to all of the hockey games to watch her
grandchildren and never misses a midget game, helping me collect tickets
and 50/50 tickets. Many people who know Gabby will recall how she handles
the stress of hockey games by knitting. She has developed a skill for
keeping her eyes on the flow of the game and never missing a stitch.
and Ken Davidson have been in the Tim Horton's business for over 20 years.
They were commended for the wonderful work they are doing with the Tim
Bits Programs in both hockey and soccer. Tim Horton's also sponsors
numerous special activities in the community, including the free skating
at Christmas, free family swims, and community initiatives that help clean
up the environment. On top of that, the Davidson's were shown as examples
of sponsors who work and play in their home community. Ken stated that he
considered this to be "a great honour that has been bestowed upon
Bonnie and I today. We truly appreciate this award and thank everyone for
making this possible." Before the ceremonies, Ken joked that when he
was first called, he thought that he might be getting the induction into
the Hall of Fame for his "golfing skills". |
Larochelle was induced into the Valley East Sports Hall of Fame for his
amateur hockey career which started in the Valley East Minor Hockey
Ron Dupuis called Eric, "A true Valley East boy. When you have
talent you will get noticed."
He explained that Eric was a star player with the Valley East Cobras
before moving over to play with the Rayside Balfour Sabrecats. After being
drafted by the Oshawa Generals in the spring of 2000 he ended up going to
Guelph where he made it to the Memorial Cup finals. He was traded to the
Sudbury Wolves, but an ankle injury three games into the schedule ended
his hopes for a long-term hockey career.
Today, Eric is attending Cambrian College in the Millright program and
will be graduating in the spring of 2007. He expects to continue to be
involved in hockey in some capacity in the future.
Valley East Lions Charity Days
Kicks Off The Day With Popular Pancake Breakfast Sponsored by
Desjardins' Food Basics |
Ken Desjardins, owner of Desjardins' Food Basics, is shown
getting his plate filled with pancakes and sausages at the Councillor's
Breakfast on Saturday, September 9 as part of the Valley East Lions
Charity Days. Desjardins' Food Basics provided all of the food for the
breakfast while the proceeds of the ticket sales went to Our Children -
Our Future. Handing out the food were, from the left, Kristine Lescault
and Meagan O'Gorman. Kristine is taking a double-major in French and
English at Laurentian University and hopes to one day become a teacher.
Meagan is in the Child Youth Worker program at Cambrian College. |
Canadian Red Cross Youth Group
Is Looking For Members Who Want To Have Fun
The Sudbury Branch of the Red Cross is looking for youth
from the ages of 15 to 25 to be part of their Youth Group. The vision of
this international program is to have active and sustainable youth groups
producing quality projects and activities benefiting the branch, community
and most of all, youth. In turn, the youth gain valuable skills,
commitment, experience and the satisfaction of being genuinely involved in
the humanitarian mission of the Red Cross. The Red Cross offers training
in some of their programs, workshops on Humanitarian issues, guest
speakers, plus lots of FUN.
And FUN it was for the girls who participated in the Valley East Lions
Charity Days at the Centennial Arena on September 9. We used two photos in
this article to identify "Buckles", the Red Cross Mascot.
"Buckles" just happened to be the lovely Janet Evans, a Hanmer
girl who attends Laurentian University as an English Major with
aspirations of one day becoming a teacher. Others, standing, from the
left: Hilary Duff, a Grade 11 student from Lockerby who lives in Sudbury;
Chantal Audet, a Sudbury resident who attends Grade 12 at Sacre-Cour;
Michelle Lavallee, a Hanmer girl who is in the School of Social Work at
College Boreal, and; Chantal Paquin, another Hanmer girl who is in the
Fine Arts Program at Cambrian College and who also hopes to become a
teacher one day.
If you are interested in finding out more about the Canadian Red Cross
Youth Group, call 674-0737. |
CIBC Run For The
Cure Sets Up In The Mall To Raise Funds For Breast Cancer Research |
Volunteers from the Val Caron Branch of the CIBC were in
the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre during Labour Day weekend selling some
wonderful gifts and items to raise money for Breast Cancer Research. The
trio, shown below, included, from left to right, Linda Rutherford, Lillian
Lapping and Karen Ladouceur. |
"This is a year-long project that the girls at the
bank just love getting involved with," explained Karen, who is one of
the main organizers of the initiative. "I order supplies and we sell
them all year long. We even hold bake sales, raffles and penny tables
right in the bank which are very popular with our customers. This year we
are hoping to raise over $10,000 to be donated to the CIBC Run for A
Karen and Lillian are shown putting the final touches to the quilt
which was being raffled off as part of the project.
All items purchased contain the Breast Cancer logo and the recognized
pink colouring.
Products included everything from hats to pocket calendars to jewellery.
Shoppers commented that these items made for excellent gift ideas for
the women in their life.
The ladies expect to return to the mall for one more weekend prior to
the October Run for A Cure. The date will be announced in an upcoming
issue of Valley East Today. |
Our Children / Our Future Raising
Funds By Selling Tickets To Councillors' Breakfast at Valley East
Lions Charity Days |
Stephanie Richard, Parent Resource Worker at the Hanmer
location of Our Children, Our Future, spent the day at the Hanmer Valley
Shopping Centre on August 28 selling tickets to the Councillor's Breakfast
which will be held in conjunction with the Valley East Lions Charity Days
on September 9, 2006. The tickets were $3 each with all of the proceeds
going back to Our Children, Our Future to help defray some of the program
costs of the organization.
With Stephanie was Cammie Thibert, a 3rd Year Laurentian University
student on a summer placement. Cammie is in the French Teachers' College
Program and found the summer experience to be invaluable in helping her
understand young children.
Cammie is shown below reading a book to 2 year old Vanessa Girard
during playgroup which is held on Tuesdays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the
Hanmer location.

Below, Cammie and Vanessa enjoy working on a special craft
project during the same playgroup period.

Our Children, Our Future works in partnership with individuals,
families, groups and organizations, to develop and promote innovative and
sustainable community resources that nurture healthy children, healthy
families and healthy communities.
- To help improve parenting
- To increase a family’s
access to food and nutrition information
- To decrease the incidence of
child abuse and neglect
partnerships and collaborative activities at the community level in
planning, developing and providing services and programs which improve
the health of children and their families.
Promote, within
the District of Sudbury, the health and social development of at risk
and geographically isolated children and their families by providing
support programs and services for these children and families.
services which are sensitive to cultural and linguistic diversity in
the District of Sudbury. Programs are available in French and English
for parents with children and soon-to-be parents particularly
vulnerable families in need of additional support.
community ownership of the parent resource program by facilitating and
increasing involvement of the community in all aspects of the programs
and services development and delivery.
accessibility to support programs and services, increase access to
information regarding prenatal health, lifestyle issues and infant
health and provide access to nutritious food and food supplements for
"at risk" pregnant women and new mothers in need.
To increase the
capacity of parents in designated communities to relate positively to
their children.
To provide
interactive nutrition education and encourage the development of
skills related to food and nutrition in a supportive environment.
To facilitate
and support community based activities that increase access to
sufficient and nutritious foods.
For more information on Our Children, Our Future, go to the following link
>>>>> |