• Michael Ovens Is Using His Abilities To Raise Money For Research
  • Good Neighbours Food Bank Volunteers Help Out The Salvation Army
  • Sheldon Farley Goes 14 Months Without A Hair Cut For Cancer Victims
  • Louise Laplante Is The Only Canadian To Be Published In Taste of Home Recipe Book
  • Keeping The Spirits High In Afghanistan
  • Community Living Greater Sudbury Is Now Hiring 
  • Capreol's Prescott Park Receives Welcome Additions To Historic Display 
  • Kin Club of Valley East Rolls Out The Red Carpet for National President
  • University Students Turn To Mall For Research
  • Valley East 's Marty Kirwan Will Head Up The “3rd Team” During The Wolves Game on October 26 
  • 1st Valley East Scouts Greet Shoppers On Annual Apple Day
  • Special Olympics Athletes Raising Funds For Nationals In February
  • Let's Not Forget To Help Our Food Banks Stock The Shelves This Thanksgiving Season
Michael Ovens Is Using His Abilities To Raise Money For Research
 Michael Ovens was a lot like your typical boy growing up in Val Therese. However, at the age of 10 his parents noticed that he was having trouble seeing at night. Eventually he was diagnosed with a degenerative eye disease called retinitis pigmentosa, a condition for which there is currently no cure and which strikes during childhood. Michael had to learn to live with the condition.
   As he made his way through elementary and secondary school his vision continued to deteriorate. He was provided with some accommodations to help him with his school work, but his marks remained high and after graduating from Hanmer Secondary School he went on to York University where his eyesight got to the point where he had to use some advanced technology to help him graduate in 2002. He now lives in Toronto , has started a career and has found a way to help researchers in their quest to find a cure for his disease.
   Shortly after he graduated, Michael was invited to speak at Vision Quest, a conference that was attended by internationally renowned researchers. In 2005 he began running marathons to raise money for an organization called the Foundation Fighting Blindness. The 6’3” thirty year old is now legally blind has progressed to the point where he is running full marathons with the help of guide runners who keep him on track during the races. In 2007 he even entered the Boston Marathon and raised $5000 for the The Foundation Fighting Blindness (FFB) which funds eye research at Canadian hospitals and universities. Recently, The FFB funded research at McGill University that yielded two major breakthroughs in the fight against childhood blindness.

   Ovens follows a very serious training program which includes running three or four times a week. He is preparing for a busy season which consists of the Miami Marathon in January, the Boston Marathon in April, Run Ottawa in May and the New York City Marathon in November. All races are done to raise money for the foundation to fund research in to the disease.
   Michael Ovens has been an inspiration to young people all over the world for demonstrating that hard work, patience and perseverance can overcome even the greatest challenges life can throw at you. Everyone in Valley East is extremely proud of the accomplishments Michael has experienced to date and we are all wishing him the best of luck in his mission to raise money for research.
Good Neighbours Food Bank Volunteers Help Out The Salvation Army

Volunteers from the Good Neighbours Food Bank of Hanmer are busy enough taking care of the less fortunate members of our community through the distribution of food on the last two Wednesdays of every month, but that doesn’t prevent them from giving up more of their time to lend a helping hand to the Salvation Army. For over 13 years, the Good Neighbours have shown up at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre in December to take care of the Salvation Army Christmas Kettle Drive. Here we have Marie Demonsky, Lynda Demonsky and Anne Unwin during their “shift” at the Kettle. According to Anne, who is the Director of the Good Neighbours Food Bank, “We like helping out like this every year. It is for a good cause and it is just another way we can help the people in the community who need help the most.”
Sheldon Farley Goes 14 Months Without A Hair Cut For Cancer Victims

   Sheldon Farley, an 8 year-old Grade 3 student at St. Anne School went 14 months in between haircuts in order to donate his hair to be used in creating a wig for some young unknown cancer victim in Canada. In the photo, Sheldon is shown holding the bag of hair that was just cut from the 12 inches of growth that he carried around for the past year. He was also presented with a plaque and a certificate for his unselfish act of charity. With him is Michelle St. Onge, the hair stylist who cut off his hair, and Carrie Ross, owner of “Wig Wonderment” of Sudbury . The hair cut was done in front of an assembly of students from JK to Grade 6 on Friday, December 7, 2007 .
   According to Ms. Ross, “We will be donating Sheldon’s hair to “Wigs For Kids” in St. Catherines. It is affiliated with the Shriners Sick Kids who send the hair oversees where it will be combined with about 10 other donations to be turned into a wig and then sent back to Canada where it will be given to a young child who is going through cancer treatments.”

   Sheldon read a prepared statement to the students prior to having his hair cut. “I was at my old school in 2005 and a boy named Phillip grew his long red hair for a cancer wig. That’s when I decided to grow my long red hair for a cancer wig in 2006. My hair has now reached 12 inches but I had to make sacrifices along the way. My sister liked to play with my hair and put it in pony tails. It hurt when my mom would brush my hair and those hot summer days were really hot. Also everybody thought I was a girl. During the time I was growing my hair my Uncle became ill with cancer. Now it makes me really happy that I grew my hair for a cancer wig. Now I can help someone else.”

   The school held a “spare change day” in honour of the event to raise money for cancer research.

Louise Laplante Is The Only Canadian To Be Published in Taste of Home Recipe Book

 “What a great surprise when I received a cook book in the mail recently from Taste of Home with a letter saying turn to Page 291 to see your recipe for Beef Barley Soup,” exclaimed Hanmer’s Louise Laplante who is shown with the book open to the page containing her recipe. “I entered the “Soup’s On” contest that was put on by Taste of Home, but I never thought that I would ever have my recipe included in America ’s most popular hard cover cook book.”
   Indeed, Louise is the only Canadian to be published in the book this year.

   Louise explained that she was first given the recipe from her mother-in-law, Mary Jean Laplante, who has since passed away.  “After her death I added a few of my own personal touches to the recipe, but she first gave me the basics.”

   After the death of her husband, Raymond, from cancer at the early age of 52, Louise decided not to dwell on his death, but rather celebrate his life. So she began calling the entire family over every year on his “birthday” for a “Soup Day” celebration where they would all spend time reflecting upon Raymond’s life. “I made three different soups and everyone’s favourite was Beef Barley soup that my mother-in-law Mary made for us so many times before. It brought back so many happy memories. Not only were we laughing and talking about the loved ones we missed so much, we were also making new memories together. We’ve been doing this for seven years not and all look forward to Soup Day to celebrate life.”



2 pounds of beef stew meat, cut into 1 inch pieces

1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

5 cups of water

4 celery ribs, chopped

4 medium carrots, chopped

1 large onion, chopped

1 can (14 ½ ounces) of diced tomatoes, undrained

2 tablespoons of tomato paste

4 teaspoons of beef bouillon granules

1 teaspoon each of dried oregano, thyme, basil and parsley flakes

½ teaspoon of salt

¼ teaspoon of pepper

1 cup of quick-cooking barley

In a Dutch oven, brown the meat in oil on all sides then drain. Add the water, celery, carrots, onion, tomatoes, tomato paste, bouillon and seasonings. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 50 minutes. Stir in the barley; cover and simmer for another 10 to 15 minutes or until the barley is tender. This will give you about eight (8) servings (about two quarts).


Keeping The Spirits High In Afghanistan

Lieutenant (Navy) Lyn Kingsley lives and usually works in Halifax , but has been stationed (for 6-8 months) at Kandahar Air Field (KAF) since early August 2007.

Lyn was raised here in Valley East, graduated from Notre Dame School in Hanmer, then College Notre Dame in Sudbury; she went on to Royal Military College in Kingston for 2 years, then graduated from Royal Roads Military College in Victoria, B.C. in 1995, with a degree in psychology and her Commission in the Navy.

She served on several ships on both coasts during her career, but opted to leave the ship life, as her husband Lieutenant Commander (Navy) Matt Bowen was away from home enough for both of them.

The Military was looking for Social Work Officers at the time, so she applied and was at Dalhousie University in Halifax full-time and part-time for the next four years.

She is one of very few bilingual Social Work Officers in the Military and that was a strong point on her being selected to go to Afghanistan at this time. Most people are aware that the 22nd Royal Regiment out of Val Cartier, QC (The Van Doos) is there right now; Lyn counsels them and other Canadians as well as the U.S. troops serving at or out of KAF right now.  She is one busy Officer.

She is part of a Mental Health Team, working with the Multinational Medical Unit, so is in a position to know when soldiers are depressed, stressed and lonesome.

Lyn's Mother, Claire Kingsley (the one in the middle with the antlers) and her friends at Curves have been collecting items for the Soldiers at the Forward Operating Bases (FOB's).......the ones eating K-rations and 'sand'! They shipped out the 12th box just lately and are shown in the above photo with some of the more than 150 stuffed Christmas stockings that are being sent out on November 15.

Claire explained, "I've been putting aside some items along the way, thinking I would make up some Christmas stockings for the soldiers.  When I first thought of it, I figured maybe 20 stockings, but that soon became 40 stockings donated by a merchant that I brought in to Curves asking the ladies to bring one home and fill it for a soldier.  Some ladies were bringing several home, saying my kids or grand-kids are going to fill these.

Then I thought the local merchants and service providers in Valley East might like to help.......the response has been overwhelming!!  I'm sure we will be able to fill over 150 stockings before we are done. And won't that be a great surprise for our young men and women who won't be home for Christmas.  The filled stockings have to be packed and shipped by November 15th to make sure they arrive at KAF by December 25th.

The stockings and boxes of other supplies will be sent directly to Claire's daughter, Lyn at Kandahar Air Field. As Field Medics come to the base for supplies and to bring wounded soldiers, Lyn will give them stockings to take back to the men and women on the "front lines".

Claire wanted to express her sincere appreciation to everyone in the community who participated in this worthwhile initiative. She had special mention for Dale Hartley, who brought 30 stockings to St. Alban's Church in Capreol and had them filled to the bursting point by parishioners.

"I have to say that this group at Curves was absolutely unbelievable in making this so successful," Claire commented. "Imagine how surprised the soldiers will be to open their stockings and see some of the encouraging words that have been written on the cards."

She also thanked Eva Lanctot for her generous contribution of $500 in cash and 150 Christmas CD's to be included in the stockings. As well, Ken Desjardins of Desjardins' Food Basics donated over $500 in merchandise to be sent over in care boxes.

"There are just so many people to thank," Claire stated. "The merchants of the Valley are wonderful. I even had people sending me articles and money from far away places once they found out what I was doing."

"The first month was the worst," Claire recalled when asked about how she feels about her daughter being in Kandahar. "There were many sleepless nights until Lyn assured me that she was not in any immediate danger. The soldiers come to her for counselling, so she is away from the danger zones. But it is still hard for me as a mother. Here is a girl who wanted to be a ballerina in Grade 8 and a soldier in Grade 9. She enrolled in the Royal Military College at 19 and has been there ever since. She may be 36 years old but she is still my little girl and I can't help worrying about her until she returns home in March."

Claire concluded, " We are very proud of our daughter Lyn, as well as all the soldiers who sacrifice every day in a foreign country so that we may live in safety and harmony in this wonderful Canada that we call home, and celebrate our Christmas with Peace and Joy! Keep them all in your thoughts and prayers as you go about the hustle and bustle of Christmas this year."

Everyone who donated to the Christmas stockings put their name in for a draw for a "cork wreath". The winner was Carol Somerset of Capreol.


Community Living Greater Sudbury Is Now Hiring

Dorice Dusty, Public Relations Director of Community Living Greater Sudbury was on hand at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre recently providing information about some of the programs offered through her organization. She was also looking for people who may be interested in working for the CLGS as a Development Service Worker. Anyone who is trained in Early Childhood Education or who is a qualified Personal Support Worker might be very interested in this rewarding career. If you would like more information about the career opportunities available with CLGS, call Tracy Girard, Director of Community Services at 671-7181
Capreol’s Prescott Park Receives Welcome Additions To Historic Display
   This will be an exciting year for the Northern Ontario Railway Museum & Heritage Centre in Capreol, according to Bob Michelutti, President of the Board of Directors.
   Phase I of the long anticipated $100,000 expansion plan is continuing this fall thanks primarily to a grant from the Ontario Trillium Fund.
   The rolling stock which was stored at NRE Alco Locomotives of Canada limited in Capreol was transported by flatbed trucks to Prescott Park on October 23.  The new exhibits will include the 116 and 101 CVRD INCO electric locomotives, circa 1947 and 1917 respectively.  Also, there will be a wooden snow plow car, a metal caboose, a warehouse car, the CVRD INCO  molten copper car and a vintage wooden box that will be converted to depict a typical boxcar home in Capreol during the 1930’s – 1950’s.

   According to Michelutti, “With these new additions the visitor experience at the NORM will be greatly enhanced and in keeping with our goal of becoming a major attraction in the Sudbury area.”
   The museum is open to the public every day except Monday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

   We thank Bob Michelutti for providing us with the accompanying photos. For more information about the Northern Ontario Railway Museum & Heritage Centre you can go to their web site at 

    We hope you enjoy the following photos which were taken during the recent delivery of the new equipment to the site.

Kin Club of Valley East Rolls Out The Red Carpet for National President
The first female National President of Kin Canada was in the Sudbury area on Saturday, October 27, 2007 to tour the area and attend a dinner in her honour at the Kin Club of Valley East in Blezard Valley. Leona Thorogood of Stettler, Alta., is the first woman to serve as national president of Kin Canada, an all-Canadian service organization made up of active community volunteers. 

She is shown in the centre of the photo above along with Paul Shepard, Governor of District 8 Kin Canada to her right. Others in the photo include the members of the Kin Club of Valley East, from the left: Manon Bolger, Scott Bolger (Zone Deputy Governor), Debbie Rossi, Blaine MacDonald, then comes Paul Shepard and Leona Thorogood, followed by Bob Bolger (President of the Kin Club of Valley East), Mary Lou Bolger, Alain Baril and Jeanine Bolger. Two members were missing when the photo was taken: Kelly Jones and Jennifer Reid.

Jeannine Bolger, a member of the Kin Club of Valley East had the following comments about the visit. "The Kin Club of Valley East has 11 members and is growing steadily. We have taken this visit very seriously and have chosen to make it a family event as well as making it an opportunity to invite any prospective members out. Our club is men and women together, working side by side to make our communities a better place. We have various fundraisers throughout the year and have donated thousands of dollars back locally, as all money raised locally stays locally. Some may recognize us through Valley Bingo, while others will know us through our fireworks sales twice a year in the big transport trailer on Notre Dame or the containers parked in the Hanmer and Chelmsford. Some may have seen our names through their children's project, "Raise the Flag", every year. We are out there and we are looking for more members to join us in celebrating and serving our communities greatest needs whatever they may be. Also for the past few years we have the Kin Park located on Langdon Street in Blezard Valley where we have ice for hockey in the winter and refreshments for our Minor Baseball in the summer. If you feel you may be interested in checking out our organization or our club, please feel free to email us and we'll be happy to answer your questions or invite you out to a regular club meeting. We only meet once a month for the serious stuff and we host many family fun days, too. So, come check us out  or check out our national website "

General Kin Information

Kin Canada is an all-Canadian service organization made up of active community volunteers. Working together, members are enhancing the quality of life in their communities by promoting service, fellowship, positive values and national pride. Kin clubs support cystic fibrosis (CF) research.  This year the Association's total contributions are expected to surpass $36 million for CF research and treatment and fund local projects across the country.

The Association was founded on Feb. 20, 1920 in Hamilton , Ontario by Harold A. Rogers O.C., O.B.E. (1899-1994).

Mission Statement

"Kin Canada is a dynamic volunteer organization enriching our communities through service while embracing national pride, positive values, personal development and lasting friendships."

Kin Motto

"Serving the Community's Greatest Need"

More than 7,800 members belong to 550 Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin clubs from coast to coast. Kinsmen clubs are predominantly male-only while Kinette clubs are predominantly female-only. Kin clubs have a mixed membership of men and women. The Association was founded in Canada and there are no clubs outside of Canada

The Kin Club of Valley East

ü      11 members (volunteers) and is growing steadily

ü      men and women together working side by side to make our communities a better place

ü      meet once a month

ü      various fundraisers throughout the year

ü      donated thousands of dollars locally, as all money raised locally stays locally 

ü      recognized through Valley Bingo almost every Friday night Major Bingo

ü      fireworks sales twice a year in the big transport trailer on Notre Dame or the containers parked in the Hanmer and Chelmsford

ü      school project “Raise the Flag” annually at Confederation Secondary School

ü      Kin Park located on Langdon St. in Blezard Valley where we have ice for hockey in the winter and refreshments for our Minor Baseball in the summer

ü      Two members of our club were recognized in March for having over 40 years of service with Kin (formerly known as Kinsmen and Kinettes)

ü      Various hospital donations

ü      School donations and bursaries

ü      Personal assistance for many families with various physical demands

Leona Thorogood

Kin Canada National President 2007/08

Since joining the Kinette Club of Stettler in 1984, Leona has experienced Kin at many different levels. Club, zone, district and national positions have all been part of her Kin career. Through smaller seminars at the club and zone level to large groups at District Leadership Seminars and Vice Governor training, Leona challenges fellow Kin to grow and expand their horizons. She believes that it is in this growth that we experience one of the true values of Kin along with the gifts we give through our service.    

Friendship has been another cornerstone of Kin’s value in Leona’s life. She and her husband Neil moved to Stettler in 1983 and knew no one. Through business contacts both Neil and Leona got invited out to Kin functions and the friendships started to grow. Over the years fellow Kin members have become like family. Sharing in the adoption of both children Jared and Chantelle and sharing in all the tears and laughter that happen throughout life in general. With involvement at the different levels of Kin, that family has grown Canada wide, a gift that cannot be measured. 

Professionally Leona has a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta and during her term of teaching had many wonderful experiences. Her most challenging was to develop a special education program for middle/high school children who weren’t able to function emotionally or behaviourally in the regular classroom. After getting married in 1980 and following Neil to Stettler her path led to accounting and in 1990 Leona earned her Certified General Accountant designation. Currently Leona is a partner with Neil in a public accounting practice in Stettler and is serving her first term as a town councillor in a rapidly growing community.

Besides being an active parent as Jared and Chantelle grow up, Leona also enjoys golfing, cottage life, quilting, reading and singing with a local women’s group.

Robert Kirwan had a chance to spend some time talking to Leona Thorogood prior to her dinner.

"Volunteerism in general is up 60%," explained Leona. "People today seem to be looking for a connection with the community. They want to get involved in non-self-centered initiatives. That is why I am confident that organizations like the Kin Club of Valley East are going to grow in the future."

Leona indicated that she has come to the conclusion that society is in the middle of a movement from "Me to We" and that this movement is being led by our young people. "We need to provide our young people with the opportunity to make a difference and then we must give them recognition for their achievements and accomplishments. As adults we must understand that what matters to us isn't necessarily the same as what matters to them. This means that we must go out and "ask them" what they want to do and then involve them in providing service to the community."

Leona often finds herself speaking to City Councillors and other municipal leaders. She tells them to imagine what their community would be like if all of the service groups and organizations ceased to function. She then encourages people in positions of responsibility and influence to do everything they can to help these clubs and cooperate with them so that they can achieve their mission.

Based on what Leona had to say, it is clear that the Kin Club of Valley East is definitely on the right road and should be moving into a very satisfying future for their organization.


University Students Turn to Mall For Research 

Some visitors to the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre on October 27 found themselves taking part in a special survey conducted by three students from the Laurentian University School of Commerce. Veronique Poirier, on the left, Michelle Godin, and Josee Ethier, were collecting information to determine the potential market for a “flip flop” business in the City of Greater Sudbury

Each year the 2nd Year students must take part in a project where they develop a business plan and go through the steps they would take if they were actually interested in forming such a venture. The market study is a very important part of that project.

Valley East 's Marty Kirwan Will Head Up The “3rd Team” During The Wolves Game on October 26

   Marty Kirwan first pulled on the stripes in 1989 as an 11 year-old in the Valley East Minor Hockey Association. This year the 28 year old is beginning his third year as a full-time referee with the Ontario Hockey League and has quickly become one of the most respected officials in the circuit. He entered the league as a linesman in the 2000-2001 season, so this is his 8th year as an OHL official.
Friday, October 26, 2007 , fans will fill the Sudbury Arena at 7:30 p.m. to watch the Wolves do battle with the Oshawa Generals and league leading scoring sensation, John Tavares. There will be a 3rd team on the ice that night that will no doubt draw the attention of most people in the building, and that team will be headed up by Marty Kirwan who will be refereeing the game. He and two other linesmen will do their best to make sure that during the game everyone plays fairly and according to the rules.|
   Marty grew up in Val Therese. He attended
St. Anne School then attended St. Charles College . He graduated from Laurentian University Sports Administration (Bachelor of Commerce) Program in the spring of 2002. He has his Senior Level 4 Canadian Hockey Association Officials Certificate. 
   Marty also knows what it is like to play the sport, having competed at the 'AAA' Major PeeWee level before deciding to devote full time to refereeing. After four years off the ice he played a starring role on defense with his high school team while in Grade 13 at St. Charles College . So Marty knows the game from all sides and uses this knowledge to effectively manage all situations while on the ice as an official.
   Before being appointed as a full-time referee with the Ontario Hockey League (OHL) at the beginning of the 2005-2006 hockey season, Marty spent the previous five years as a linesman with the league. While in Sudbury he was considered one of the top referees in the Northern Ontario Junior "A" Hockey Association (NOJHA), the Great North Midget League and did numerous minor hockey games every year.
 At the beginning of the 2002-2003 season he decided to move to the Toronto Area to advance his career on the ice. He was married to Christina (Woodley) in October 2004 and now lives just north of Guelph . He began a career as a police officer with the Peel Regional Police Department in January 2005.      

  Most high level referees will tell you that it is important to receive good advice from someone who you respect and who has also risen to the top in the profession. In the photo above, Marty is shown receiving some pointers from Dave Newell, a former Director of Officiating for the National Hockey League and himself one of the most colourful and skilled referees ever to work in the NHL.
    When Marty broke into the Ontario Hockey League he received some valuable advice from Dave Newell which helped him develop into the official he has become. Local officials who also hope to one day become referees at the OHL level or beyond will have an opportunity to watch one of their own graduates on Friday, October 26 and perhaps pick up a few tips that will help them one day be in the same place as a member of the third team on the ice.  

   Marty summed up his feelings with the following, "The thing that I love the most about being a hockey official is that it does not seem like work to me. You show up to the rink and you know that for the next two to three hours, you are going to referee a hockey game that has never taken place before. You never do the same game twice, it always changes."

  Marty and his family have even put together a special web site at to help inspire young officials and also to provide some valuable insight into the game of hockey for coaches, parents and fans.

1st Valley East Scouts Greet Shoppers On Annual Apple Day


   The 1st Valley East Scouts were out in full force during the Annual Apple Day fund-raising drive for this popular youth organization. Here they are shown at their station in the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre on Thanksgiving Saturday.
   Kneeling in the front is Cub Leader, Enrico Casati. Standing behind him are Karen Luoma (Cub Leader); Justin Vautour (Scout); Bradley Pailing (Beaver); Zach Thorne (Cub); Emily Vautour (Cub) and Deanna Bourdeau (Scout).
   There are about 40 young boys and girls in the 1st Valley East Scout group this year. They meet from September to May at Ecole Secondaire Hanmer every Tuesday from
6:30 to 8:00 p.m. where they take part in numerous skill- and character-building activities.
   If you are interested in registering your child, or if you would like to find out more about becoming a leader, you can contact Debbie Christianson at 969-7095.

Special Olympics Athletes Raising Funds For Nationals In February

   Brenda Verdiel, Head Coach of the Special Olympics Sudbury Sunfish Swim Team, on the left, and Ashley Smith, an Auxiliary Constable of the Greater Sudbury Police Service, on the far right, flank two athletes who will be attending the National Special Olympics in Quebec City in February 2008. Ryan Norman, shown beside Brenda, and Jason Roy, beside Ashley, will be competing in the snow shoeing event. Ryan has also qualified for the swimming Provincials which will be held in Oshawa in May 2008.
   They belong to Special Olympics Ontario Sudbury, which is part of Region 9, stretching from Sault Ste. Marie to Parry Sound. For Brenda, this marks the seventh year she has been involved with the club in a wide variety of roles. Ashley represents the regional police who have adopted the Special Olympics as their Charity of Choice.
   Local athletes with special intellectual needs take part in a number of different sports, from swimming where there are currently 80 participants, to bowling and floor hockey where another 130 compete. They are all registered provincially and range in age from as young as 8 to adult.
   The fund-raising “boot drive” which was held on October 6 at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre, was organized by the local chapter to help defray some of the costs of sending 18 to 20 athletes to the Provincials as well as the two, Ryan and Jason, to the Nationals.
   According to Brenda, the Special Olympics often get mixed up with Para Olympics. However, the Special Olympics program is for people with intellectual challenges while the Para Olympics are for people with physical disabilities.
   The “slogan” for the Special Olympics is something that we could all adopt: “Let me win. If I cannot win, let me be brave in my attempt.”

Let’s Not Forget To Help Our Food Banks Stock The Shelves This Thanksgiving

   Anne Unwin, second from the right, expressed her extreme gratitude to Rob Ferrucci, owner of Cranky Joe’s Roadhouse in the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre, and to the Kin Club of Valley East, represented by Bob Bolger on the far left and Mary Lou Bolger on the far right, as they presented the Good Neighbours Food Bank with a cheque for $1500 to be used to help stock the shelves with supplies for less fortunate residents of the Valley.
   The money was raised through the First Annual Fall Festival Spaghetti Dinner which was sponsored by the Kin Club, Cranky Joe’s Roadhouse, and the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre.  Ferrucci thanked all of the people in the community who came out and supported the spaghetti dinner. He also thanked the merchants who promoted the dinner and the patrons of his restaurant who donated money for a chance to win a guitar autographed by Honeymoon Suite during his grand opening celebrations.

   Anne Unwin is one of the founding members of the Good Neighbours Food Bank which is located in upper floor of the Fire Station on Lafontaine Street in Hanmer. It is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the last two Wednesdays of every month and currently provides emergency food supplies for 35 to 45 families every month.

   “Our shelves are starting to get kind of bare at this time of year, but we are always hopeful for the kind support of the community, especially around Thanksgiving,” Anne explained. “We can always use cash donations so that we can buy some of the supplies that we run short of or some of the perishable items such as fresh produce and meat for our clients.”

   In order to help Anne and her volunteers “re-stock the shelves” Rob is inviting all residents of Valley East to dig deep this week and come up with some non-perishable food donations or, alternatively, some of that much needed cash.

   If you would like to make any donations to the food bank, you can bring the items to Cranky Joe’s Roadhouse in the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre. Cranky Joe’s is located in the former location of Buddie’s Restaurant and is open seven days a week. Rob invites you to “give your bag of groceries to any of my staff or if you can give a donation of cash and we will make sure that it gets to the Good Neighbours Food Bank along with the food. I think Anne and her volunteers are doing a wonderful service for the people of the community and I will do anything I can to help out. We’re always open so you can drop by at any time. You don’t have to stay to eat if you don’t have time, just bring in your donation and give it to one of my staff.”

   Residents of Valley East are also reminded that they can drop off food or cash donations at the Vision Paper offices which are located at the top of the hill in Hanmer or they can also make donations to the St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank on Highway 69N in Val Caron.

   After you read this article, take a few moments to go down to your food pantry and see if you can put together a box or bag of items you can spare for the needy. It doesn’t have to be much. Every little bit helps. If you can put five or ten dollars into an envelope we would also appreciate it a great deal. Then the next time you are out driving, just take a few minutes to drop it off at Cranky Joe’s Roadhouse, The Vision Paper office, or St. Vincent de Paul’s. Your donations will be put to good use and you will feel very good about what you have done to make someone’s life just a little bit brighter.


Published by
Robert Kirwan, President & C.E.O.
4456 Noel Crescent, Val Therese ON P3P 1S8
Phone: (705) 969-7215