students from Ecole Publique Foyer Jeunesse had a special treat on
Wednesday, September 27. They all assembled outside the main entrance to
take part in the school’s 2nd Annual Terry Fox Walk to raise
money for cancer research. Just prior to the walk, representatives from
each of the divisions were chosen as the winner of a special T-Shirt. They
all posed in front of the Terry Fox silhouette which contained small
photos and class pictures of the students in the school. Grade 6 teacher,
Dan Houle on the far left, and Principal, Lynn Desrosiers on the right,
along with the classroom winners, put the final touches on the silhouette.
Most of the 260 students in the school took part in the event. One of the
classes was on a field trip and was unable to accompany the group.
“The students really understand the message that everyone is
touched in some way by cancer,”
stated. “When
the teachers talked to their classes to prepare them for the Terry Fox
Walk, most of the children knew someone in their family who had cancer.”
In fact, the students took a letter home with them to explain to
parents what they would be doing, and each parent was asked to fill out a
sticker which stated, “I am walking for …..”, filling in the name of
someone in their family who had cancer or who died from cancer.
stated that this
helped emphasize how much cancer affects our lives.