Young Family Wins $500 Gift
Certificates In December Mystery Shopper Contest at Cousin Vinny's |
Paul Pharand and his wife Chantal Cayen were as pleased with
their "dessert" as little 4 1/2 year old Bella was with her ice
cream when Santa Claus presented the happy family with $500 in gift
certificates which can be used anywhere in the Hanmer Valley Shopping
Centre. Paul and Chantal were the December winners of the $500 Mystery
Shopper Contest. They won for sitting at the right table at the right
Standing in the photo behind the three winners are Santa and Mrs.
Claus, as well as the owners of Cousin Vinny's Restaurant & Bar, Tylor
McNair and Chris Vitiello. Paul and Chantal were born and raised in Valley
East. Paul is currently on strike at Vale Inco, so the prize will
certainly come in handy during the winter months. Bella attend Junior
Kindergarten at Jean-Paul II School in Val Caron. |
the time to remember a loved one this holiday season by Adding an
Ornament to the Tree of Remembrance |
Loretta Tompkins, Revenue Development Chair of Palliative
Caregivers Sudbury/Manitoulin, on the far right, and Jeannette Carriere,
Coordinator of the Warmhearts fundraising project, are shown with five of
the volunteers who have been spending time at the Hanmer Valley Shopping
Centre helping people “remember their loved ones” who have passed
The volunteers
shown in the photo with Jeannette and Loretta, are: (standing from left to
right) Marina Lamoureux, Dennis Mount and Esther Tardif. Seated are Jean
Manuel and Noella Poitras.
know how difficult it can be for families during this time of year.
We encourage them to take the time to remember their loved ones
this holiday season by hanging an ornament on our Tree of Remembrance, ”
Maryann Lepage, Executive Director.
are sometimes all we have left after the death of a loved one.
The thought of forgetting their face, their ways, their likes and
dislikes make us hold on to our grief long after they are gone.
As memories begin to fade, we need to find ways to bring memories
of our loved ones into the holiday traditions.
Warmhearts Pallliative
Caregivers Sudbury/Manitoulin can help you celebrate the life of your
loved ones. Purchase a snowflake, write the name of your loved one on it
and hang it on our tree for all to see.
This will help keep memories alive through the holiday season!
The community is invited to purchase an ornament and write in the
book of memories, from now until December 23rd.
For the convenience of people living in
and Capreol, one of the three trees in the area is located at the Hanmer
Valley Shopping Centre. You can make the Tree of Remembrance a part of
your holiday tradition. Ornaments are $5.00 each and all monies raised
from this initiative go to Warmhearts
Palliative Caregivers Sudbury/Manitoulin to support individuals and
families facing end of life challenges.
In the following photo,
Val Mazzuca, owner of the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre is shown adding
several ornaments to the tree in remembrance of family members who are no
longer with us today.
Kevin’s C.W.L. Holds Christmas Money Draw To Help Food Banks |
the members of the St. Kevin’s Parish Catholic Women’s League,
including Noella Cheaney on the left and Rolande Michaud on the right,
were choosing a local charity as beneficiary of the proceeds of their
annual Christmas Money Draw, there was very little need for lengthy
discussion. The Valley East Food Banks were the first to come to mind and
indeed will receive all of the money raised from ticket sales this year.
The poor
economic conditions that have affected the entire world were bad enough to
increase the demands being placed upon the two local food banks, but now
that the region is in the throngs of the Vale Inco work stoppage, with
numerous layoffs and reductions in hours of employment elsewhere, the Good
Neighbours and the St. Vincent de Paul Food Banks are finding it even more
difficult to handle the excess calls for help.
like the St. Kevin’s C.W.L., through their kindness and generosity are
definitely making a difference with their donations. The ladies will be
selling tickets for only $1 each between now and the draw date on December
13, 2009. You can get your tickets every weekend at the Hanmer Valley
Shopping Centre. Besides helping with a good cause, you may win one of
three prizes. First prize is a huge centre piece plus $250 in cash. Second
prize is a wreath plus $150 in cash. And, third place is a vase plus $100
in cash.
congratulate the ladies of St. Kevin’s for their kindness and
consideration. If anyone in the community would also like to drop off food
for the Good Neighbours Food Bank, just stop by the Food Bank Depot that
is located at the main entrance of the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre.
The 200 Wolf Squadron Thanks The
Community of Valley East For Generosity |
The 200 Wolf Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets were at that Hanmer
Valley Shopping Centre for their first tag day of the year.
On behalf of the 200 Wolf Squadron
we would like to thank Val Mazzuca and Bob Kirwan for allowing us the
opportunity to hold our tag day in their establishment.
We’d also like to thank all the many patrons of the Hanmer Valley
Shopping Centre on Dec 11, 12 & 13th for their very
generous support. We raised in
excess of $400.00 in the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre alone.
Thank you again for your very
generous support.
The Cadets even took time out to
say hello Santa and Mrs. Claus.

Sgt Robert Bolger, Corporal Joshua
Bolger, Corporal Aaron Anderson, and Corporal Austin Anderson |
Students Against Impaired Driving Group From Confederation
Secondary School Is Committed to Making A Difference In The
Community |


Austin Powell (Grade 11)
Amanda McCutcheon (Grade 11) |
Hannah Merchant (Grade 11)
Ashleigh McBain (Teacher) |
Learning Clinic Radio Show, hosted by Robert Kirwan on
Laurentian University's CKLU 96.7 FM included members of the Ontario
Students Against Impaired Driving Group from Confederation
Secondary School as special guests on the December 21, 2009
program. Ashleigh McBain, the Teacher Supervisor of the group,
brought along three students to represent the close to 40
students who have signed up to participate during the
inaugural year of this important extracurricular organization.
All students were in Grade 11: Austin Powell, Amanda
McCutcheon and Hannah Merchant. During the show they spoke
about how it was the death of three young teenagers in a
tragic accident in Valley East on June 21, 2009. Steven
Philippe (16) and Jazmine Houle (15), who both attended
Confederation secondary school, were walking along the side of
Hwy 69N in Hanmer with their friend, Caitlin Jelley (15), when
all three were killed by an impaired driver. Students at the
school have shown tremendous support for the activities being
organized by the OSAID group as the students try to raise
awareness among community members of the need for people to be
more sensible when it comes to driving while being impaired in
any way. They stated that while alcohol is often the root
cause of accidents where impairment is a factor, cell phones,
loud passengers, medication, and a long list of other things
that can reduce one's ability to focus on driving.
If you are interested in downloading the radio program to
your computer, just click
here to get to the archives.
Make sure that you have the date set at 2009-12-21; the start
time set at 18:00; and the duration for 120 minutes. Then all
you do is click on "download" and it will be saved
to your computer in an mp3 format. Then you can enjoy the
interview whenever you wish. NOTE: The archives will only be available
until January 19, 2010. |
Ashleigh McBain and several more of the students in the
group were at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre on Saturday, December 19,
2009, creating awareness among the community of the dangers of driving
while impaired from any substance. |
The group was set up in the Centre Court area of the Hanmer
Valley Shopping Centre all day long singing Christmas Carols for shoppers
and drawing attention with "Charger" who was a huge hit with the
youngsters. |
"Charger" even had a chance to visit with Santa
and Mrs. Claus to give them his wish list for this year. Rumour has it
that he wished for a city football championship in 2010. |
A second display was set up just outside Cousin Vinny's
Restaurant & Bar. The owners of Cousin Vinny's have pledged support
for the group all year long in an effort to promote safe driving practices
among adults in the community.
The purpose of OSAID is to make students aware of the choices they make
when drinking and to make responsible decisions. The students from
Confederation will be raising money all year long to send representatives
to a provincial conference in Toronto on the first weekend of May 2010.
There they will take part in developing leadership skills and be trained
in approaching peers and the community with the issues and seriousness of
impaired driving.
For more information you can go the the Confederation Secondary School
web site or contact Ashleigh McBain at the school during normal business
hours. |
Knights of Columbus #5005 Deliver
142 Christmas Food Hampers to Needy Families |
The Co-Chairs of the Christmas Food Hamper Committee, shown
in the photo below, have nothing but praise for the hard working
volunteers who helped fill 142 wonderful Christmas Hampers for needy
families in Valley East. The hampers were delivered on Saturday, December
19, 2009. "It takes a lot of work to sort out the food, vouchers and
gifts so that each family receives about $200 worth of donations,"
Fern Gascon, shown on the right in the photo below along with Dorice
Menard explained. "We receive the food from the generosity of the
entire community with schools and organizations collecting supplies during
the fall and then giving it to us to distribute."
Any surplus food is sent over to the Good Neighbours Food Bank in
Hanmer so that they can better serve their regular clients. The Knights of
Columbus have been responsible for the Christmas Food Hamper delivery
since about 2004 and each year the need has been increasing. "We
started out delivering about 85 hampers and now we are up to 142,"
Gascon declared. |
Valley View Community Church Once
Again Provides Shoppers With Free Gift Wrapping At The Hanmer Valley
Shopping Centre |
Each year the members of the Valley View Community Church
set up a table near the entrance to the Hart Department Store and provide
free gift wrapping to shoppers. This year, as is the usual custom, the
volunteers were taking donations for the Valley East Food Banks. You can
find out more about the church by visiting their web site:
http://www.valleyviewcommunitychurch.ca/ |
Minor Hockey Teams Enjoy
Fund-Raising Projects At The Mall |

The Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre is always a popular place
for local minor sports teams in need of fund-raising for various
tournaments and activities. Just prior to Christmas, the Property Stewards
Novice Club was in the mall selling tickets on a beautiful Christmas gift
basket. |
Food Bank Depot Will Remain Up For
Donations Into The New Year As The Need Increases |
The Good Neighbours Food Bank in Hanmer, run by Anne Unwin
and her hard-working group of volunteers, have had a challenging time
during the latter part of 2009 keeping up with the demand for food from
needy families. Where they usually fed approximately 50 families per
month, they are now seeing up to 90. In order to provide a convenient
place for local residents to donate food and supplies, the Hanmer Valley
Shopping Centre will be leaving the Food Bank Depot in place after the New
Year. Normally the depot is removed after Christmas, but this coming year
promises to be very difficult for some local families, so the owners of
the mall, Val and Violet Mazzuca have decided to leave it up until the
demand eases up. Anyone who would like to donate money can leave it in an
envelope at the Valley Plaza Pharmasave. |
Helps Distribute Close To $1 Million Worth of Food To People In Need
During The Past Three Years |
Lanctot, on the left, and Rodney Deforges, take a breather while up to two
dozen other volunteers continue to unload close to $80,000 worth of food
that was delivered to Valley Pentecostal Church in Hanmer on November 30.
This was the seventh such shipment received by the church in the past
year, with all of the food and supplies being distributed to various food
banks and other service organizations throughout the City of
In fact over 20 charity organizations benefit from the donations.
Rodney Deforges founded
Faith Charities of Ontario (Deforges Family Ministries) three years ago.
He is based in Manitowaning. Rev. Steve Gudrie and his wife, Esther, along
with their children, Curtis and Jenn, got Valley Pentecostal Church
involved with the food distribution program right from the beginning and
have received approximately 15 shipments totaling close to $1 million in
food and supplies. The Church has even donated the transport that was used
to bring the food to Hanmer in November. Eva Lanctot, a local realtor,
donates the $1,000 it costs to cover the expenses of getting some of the
shipments to the Church.
Deforges collects the
food from manufacturers in southern
There is nothing wrong with the food and supplies, but government
regulations are very restrictive when it comes to the distribution of food
items to grocery stores and retail outlets. For example you may purchase a
canned food item from a grocery store that has a “best before date” in
December and keep it on your pantry shelf until April. There is still
nothing wrong with the food since it can normally remain in the can for at
least six months beyond the “best before” date. However, the
manufacturer and the retailer cannot sell it to you after a certain date.
That food becomes surplus and is available for distribution through food
banks and other charitable organizations.
The Faith Charities of
Ontario came up with a way of providing a service to the manufacturers who
had to get rid of the surplus products in order to make room for new
products. Until the Faith
Charities of Ontario came along, the manufacturers had to contact people
to try to get rid of the surplus supplies. Now they simply call Deforges
and he sends a transport to pick the supplies up for distribution to needy
people through organizations such as the
Everyone wins! Each week millions of dollars of food are distributed by
the Faith Charities of Ontario which now has eight transports on the road.
Eva Lanctot Realty
heard about the work that was being done through
and was eager to do whatever she could to help out. As it turned out, the
Church could only come up with enough funds to pay for a limited number of
shipments, so Eva stepped up to the plate. Now, whenever Pastor Steve gets
a call from Rodney about another shipment that is ready to be delivered,
he just says bring it on. The 53 foot transport trailer is “always
welcome” and the food is distributed within 24 hours.
Deforges explained that
he never knows what is going to be available when he is called to a
warehouse. There are times when he has picked up a load of 40 skids of
popcorn. He brings it all back to his warehouse at Manitowaning and
spreads it out all across
but mainly in the northern communities. All of the items get distributed
and are very much appreciated by the recipients.
This is indeed a good
news story and our hats go off to the Gudries of Valley Pentecostal
Church, to Rodney Deforges of Deforges Family Ministries, and to Eva
Lanctot of Lanctot Realty. |
A Tiny Little Creature To Be Causing So Much Commotion
by Robert Kirwan |

The Town of Valley East is well-known for a lot of things. However, until
recently, our community wasn’t really recognized by “bird-watching
enthusiasts” of the world. All that changed on or about
November 11, 2009
, when a tiny little bird called a Western
Tanager showed up in my backyard and was spotted by my wife, Valerie.
Our yard has been registered since March
2004 as a “Backyard Wildlife Habitat” by the Canadian Wildlife
Federation. Over the years, no less than 54 different kinds of birds have
been spotted in our yard. A complete list can be found on a special web
site that can be found at www.valleyeasttoday.ca/evergreengardens |

When my wife spotted “Number
55” early one morning, she took some pictures and contacted one of her “bird
experts” in an attempt to identify the little creature. As it turned
out, this tiny visitor was a male Western Tanager that was thousands of
kilometers from where it should have been. In fact, the Western Tanager
should have been somewhere around
Southern California
at this time of year, not in
Northeastern Ontario
. During the summer months, the Western Tanager
can be found along the western regions of North America, from the
Mexico-US border to as far north as Alaska. But it seldom is seen east of
. |
Once the bird was identified and
word got out about the location of this rare sighting, our backyard
immediately became one of the most popular attractions among bird watchers
from across
. It has captured the attention of professors
from Laurentian University as well as several other local enthusiasts who
have been able to get some excellent photos of the Western Tanager, which
seemed to be quite willing to hang around and have its picture taken.
Two men even drove up all the way from
one Sunday morning and waited for over five
hours before they finally spotted the little bird perched up in one of our
trees. We’ve had people from
North Bay
to Massey stopping in for a “look at the
rare bird” and have answered phone calls from as far away as
to talk to people who have heard about our
The next day a couple arrived from Ottawa
after leaving at 6 a.m. Unfortunately, they were unable to spot the bird
while they were here. However, the couple was completely understanding,
explaining that this is something they were accustomed to over their years
of chasing rare birds. |

one of the storms that occurred early in November may have originated from
region and could be responsible for carrying
this stranger way off course in its migration south. Some experts have
stated that there have been several sightings of other species foreign to
since the storm, leading them to believe this
was the case. |

All we know is that serious bird
watchers consider the Western Tanager to be one of the rarest sites you
can witness in
. Very few people can say they have actually
seen the bird. Valerie and I have grown accustomed to seeing our little
visitor picking away at the seed every day. We also know that this
beautiful little bird that has brought us so much joy and pleasure for a
couple of weeks is not likely to enjoy a long and productive life. It is
all alone, in a hostile environment, thousands of kilometers from home.
Mother Nature can indeed be cruel. We can only hope that it somehow finds
its way to a warmer climate before winter arrives. |
Tremblay Dhinel Shares An Inspirational Story With Our Readers |
Old Man
My friend recently told me a story about an elderly man who
frequently comes into her store and gives every woman he sees working a
single rose. The man told her the story of why it is he does this. He told
her that a few years ago his wife passed away. However while she was still
alive he had never bought her roses. His wife asked him many times to buy
her some but he had never thought of doing it. Once she had passed on he
regretted not buying her any and felt guilty. Now, every once in a while
when he thinks of buying his wife roses he enters my friends store, buys a
bouquet and passes them out to the women.
my friend told me this story I began to think deeply on my own life and
all the things I should or could do for the ones I love while they are
still around. Little things to show them that I care and that I’m
thinking of them. Many of us go through life not thinking that these
simple gestures could mean the world to someone. Not much thought has to
go into them, just simple things like leaving a note to remind someone
you’re thinking of them; telling those around you that you love them:
paying for a stranger’s coffee when you’re ahead of them in line at
the drive-thru; calling someone up to see how their day is going or maybe
buying someone flowers on any given day just to show you care.
Like this man, many of
us don’t realize the things we should have done differently while our
loved ones were still around. We shouldn’t wait till they are gone to
realize we should have told them we loved them more often, or spent more
time with them, or we should of gotten them those flowers they wanted so
badly. Don’t wait till it’s too late. Tell your wife or husband or
mother or father, brother or sister that you love them. Give them a hug;
send them e-mails or a card, call old friends up just to see how they’ve
been. Don’t let the people you care about most slip out of your life,
because one day they will be gone and you will spend your life regretting.
have not had the pleasure of meeting this kind man but his story will
remain in my heart forever. I am deeply saddened by his story but somehow
it brings a new light to my heart. He realized his mistake too late and
now he is trying to repay the debt he feels he owes. I believe everyone
can relate and learn from such a story, and I hope some if not all will
find it in themselves to slow down and start making the little things
count, cause in the end, it’s what matters the most.
Danica Tremblay Dhinel
Dear Danica:
What a beautiful story. It truly gives you hope for mankind when
you know that there are people in the world like that elderly man. I am
also glad to see that you are back to writing, and I do indeed remember
you. You have a tremendous talent for communicating your feelings. I wish
you the best of luck in your current endeavours and I definitely encourage
you to write often.
Robert Kirwan |
Evolutionary Band Members Are Earning Their Education |
Members of the
Secondary School
’s Evolutionary Band, all consider their
experience with the group to be memorable and very rewarding. They get to
practice and rehearse for most of the school year to prepare for a Spring
Tour of concerts and trips all over the region under the direction of Band
Leader and Music Instructor, Norm McIntosh. Each year there is usually a
major overnight tour that is the highlight of the season.
All of these activities cost money, and it
is up to each member of the band to do their individual part to help raise
the necessary funds. One of the major fund-raisers of the year is a raffle
which will produce eight winners of beautiful prints by Gordon Drysdale.
Students, such as Hailey Chinn, above, are responsible for using their
creativity and initiative to find ways of selling tickets to the general
public. Hailey is one of the students who have been seen selling tickets
on the prints at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre recently. Hailey, who
is in her second year with Evolutionary, is a member of the crew and is
responsible for the sound board. “I’m not very good at performing or
being in front of an audience, but I love music and wanted to be part of
the band. When I got an opportunity to be part of the crew I took it and I
love every minute of my experience,” Hailey explained. Besides the lead
singers and instrument players, there are a lot of people needed behind
the scenes to make sure that the set is properly constructed and the sound
comes out just right. The nice thing about Evolutionary is that it
provides so many young people with a first hand experience in the music
industry so that they have a better idea of whether or not this is the
kind of career they would like to pursue after high school.
If you have a chance to purchase tickets on
the Gordon Drysdale prints, or if you wish to help the band out with a
donation of any size, just contact
Secondary School
ask to speak to Norm McIntosh. |
Kohls Helps Spread The Message In Honour of Steven, Jazmine and
Caitlin |
Philippe 16, Jazmine Houle, 15, and Caitlin Jelley, 15, troubled Amanda in
much the same way virtually every other member of this community was
upset. Amanda shared the overwhelming feeling that enough is enough. It is
time to stop the madness of drinking and driving and get the message out
in the public once and for all.
So when Amanda approached the rest of the Shoppers Drug Mart Hanmer
staff with an idea to hold a barbecue fundraiser in honour of the three
teens she received their full support. She then called around and gathered
donations from over 65 businesses for the penny table. Under Amanda’s
leadership, the store teamed up with Action Sudbury, Citizens Against
Impaired Driving and put on a tremendously successful event on
Sunday, July 5, 2009
, raising over $3600 to help Action Sudbury in
their efforts to promote safe driving.
Amanda is shown in the
photo with her boyfriend on the left, Johny Goulard. Stephane Leblanc, a
friend of Jazmine Houle, is shown in the background cooking some of the
600 hamburgers and 300 hot dogs that were sold during the day.
Recognizing that she is now at an age where she will be faced with
enormous peer pressure to hit the bars and taverns with the college crowd,
Amanda has noticed that many people in her age group are being “smart”
when it comes to drinking and driving. “When people go out for an
evening in groups there is always one person who volunteers to be the
designated driver. This person is responsible for making sure that
everyone gets home safely and that no one drives after drinking. Many of
us are also taking taxis to the bars when we go out for a night on the
town. I think most of us are starting to take our responsibility
While there are still far too many people getting behind the wheel
of a vehicle when they are impaired, the message seems to be getting out,
especially to the young crowd. Amanda’s mission, however, is to do
whatever she can to continue to get that message across to people of all
ages. The barbecue on the first weekend in July will become a regular
annual event in honour of Stephen, Jasmine and Caitlin. Each year the
money raised for Action Sudbury will be donated in their names. Amanda
hopes that there will be a time in the not so distant future when our
roads and highways will be safe again.
Amanda and
her good friend, Danielle Beaulieu, appeared on the weekly radio program,
The Learning Clinic, hosted by Robert Kirwan, on July 20. Amanda and
Danielle spoke at length about their feelings regarding drinking and
driving. They also shared some insightful information about their own
career aspirations and some of the issues they have faced in school and in
life in general.
Amanda wished to extend
her sincere appreciation to the hundreds of people who stopped by to
support the barbecue and she also wanted to thank everyone who volunteered
in any way to help out. |
Dore Memorial Fund and NHLPA Teams Up To Create V.E. Hockey
Equipment Bank |
the donation of 50 brand new sets of hockey equipment, courtesy of
the NHLPA’s
Goals & Dreams fund. This donation is geared towards helping
supplement the rising costs of hockey equipment for today’s minor hockey
player. Andrew Brunette, a
star player with the Minnesota Wild who grew up and still lives in the
community during the off-season, is thrilled about this opportunity to
give back to the game he loved, “Over the last few years we toiled with
the idea of opening a hockey equipment bank for the Valley East Community.
The NHLPA’s Goals & Dreams Fund has allowed us to jumpstart this
program with their generous donation.”
Andrew goes on to say, “With the downturn in the economy, this is
the ideal time to establish a program of this nature.
The last thing a child should have to worry about is playing with
proper equipment.”
The Hockey Equipment
Bank will loan out items of equipment to children in the Valley East Minor
Hockey system, from ages 4 – 14, for the duration of the hockey season.
At the end of the season, the equipment will be returned to the Bank for
use the following year. This
program is designed for families that need assistance. For those families
that wish to donate equipment, the Equipment Bank will gladly accept these
“deposits”. A special hockey equipment donation drive will be
organized in August and September to help increase the amount of equipment
that is available through the bank.
In 1999, the National
Hockey League Players’ Association (NHLPA) launched the Goals
& Dreams fund as a way for the players to give something back
to the game they love. The players’ program has donated full sets of
hockey equipment to more than 9,000 economically challenged children in 17
countries and assisted with upgrades and the building of hundreds of
arenas world-wide. To date, Goals
& Dreams has donated more than $17-million to grassroots
hockey programs around the world making it the largest program of its
As for the golf tournament, Team Hurley Mining finished the day
with the lowest score at 16 under par. The team consisted of Bart Hurley,
Bob Simoneau, Jeff Tyers, and Greg Husk. The top prize of the day went to
Team King Sportswear who finished in 14th place, symbolic of
the number that Ted Dore wore while playing hockey in the Valley East
Minor Hockey system. Dore’s number 14 has been officially retired by the
Valley East Progressive Hockey Association in his memory. Most will agree
that there will never be another person quite like Ted Dore.
anyone is interested in donating hockey equipment or money to the Ted Dore
Memorial Fund, you can contact Ryan Kirwan at 897-1110 or by email at ryankirwan@rmabroker.ca
Ryan wishes to thank all of the participants and supporters who helped in
any way to make this inaugural event such a huge success. |