Valley East Waves Hold Penny Table Sale
At The Mall To Raise Funds For Provincial Championships |

Members of the Valley East Waves will head to Brantford to
compete in the Division 3 Provincial Team Championships in April 2006.
Some of the swimmers spent time at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre on
Easter Saturday helping to run a Penny Table fund-raiser to cover the cost
of some of the expenses.
Shown in the photo, standing from the left are: Michelle Leger (15), a
Grade 10 student from Confederation Secondary School, and Tori Jewell (12)
who is in Grade 7 at Marymount Academy. Seated are, Tessa Jewell (13), a
Grade 8 student at Marymount Academy and Brianna Cowling (14), who is in
Grade 9 at Bishop Alexander Carter. |