The chair at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre will be filled with Santa Claus every weekend in December. 


Fridays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Sundays from 12 noon to 4 p.m.


During the final week before Christmas, Santa will be in the mall for some additional hours in order to give parents a chance to visit with their children.

Monday to Friday, December 19 to 23:  From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Saturday, December 24, Santa will be in the mall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


This year, instead of bringing in a professional photographer to take pictures and sell them to parents, the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre has decided to allow parents and grandparents to bring their own cameras and take as many photos as you would like. We know that it it nice to have a group photo with mom and dad along with Santa as well, so this means that you can end up with some great memories that will last a lifetime and not have to worry about paying the $15 or $20 for a professional photo.

So far, the public response to this change in policy has been fantastic. Parents are looking forward to being able to take their time and take as many photos as they want.


Memere Rita Chaput loves Christmas. And one look at three of her grandchildren sitting on Santa's lap shows you why. Here the Julien children, Paul (7), Natalie (3) and Mathieu (5) smile brightly while Memere takes a picture of them on Santa's knees in the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre. The children live with their parents in Chelmsford, but always love visiting Memere Chaput. 

Rita explains, "Christmas is always a blast at my house when the 11 grandchildren and 7 children gather. And when Santa arrives during the evening, he is always greeted with 21 stockings to stuff."

When you see three wonderful children like Paul, Natalie and Mathieu, you just have to love this season.


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