The last week of January is Healthy Lifestyle Awareness Week at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre.
JANUARY 24 - 31, 2005
Now that we have had time to settle back into a normal routine after the Christmas holidays, many of us are becoming increasingly aware of the fact that it is time to change some of our habits. January 24 to 31 has been declared Healthy Lifestyle Awareness Week at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre. During that week, all residents of Valley East and Capreol are invited to give their personal fitness program a boost by spending at least thirty (30) minutes per day on three different days, simply "walking" around the mall. You can come at any time between 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on weekdays. On Saturdays and Sundays you can walk until 5 p.m. Bring a friend or come yourself; bring your baby in a stroller; spend time with your spouse or partner; just start walking!

The advantages of "indoor walking" in a shopping centre are tremendous. You avoid the inclement winter weather so there is no chance of having to cancel your walk. There is plenty of space in the hallways, so you can walk as quickly or as slowly as you wish. When you need a rest, there are many sitting areas where you can stop for a break. And best of all, you will meet many of your friends and neighbours during the walk.

Five times around the mall is the equivalent of walking a mile. Walk for thirty minutes and you have walked for two miles. Do this three times a week and you walk six miles. It may not get you in shape for the olympics, but it will certainly help improve your fitness level.

There will also be several displays and activities during Healthy Lifestyle Awareness Week at the Mall. In addition, we invite all community groups and organizations to contact us for space (free of charge) if they would like to put up a display or generate some public awareness or their healthy lifestyle programs. Call Robert Kirwan at 969-7215 if you have any questions.

We look forward to seeing everyone from Valley East and Capreol in the mall during Healthy Lifestyle Awareness Week, January 24 to 31. Don’t talk about fitness! It’s time to "Walk the Talk".


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