
Ward 3
April 11, 2006 |
Last week, council passed a by-law defining a senior as a
person 55 years of age and over, for all miscellaneous user fees where a
senior rate is established.
Since amalgamation, we had various ages throughout the city for people
to qualify as a senior. The age of 55 will now be the determining factor
for someone to qualify for senior rates at all city facilities as well as
with transit. It is anticipated that this move will increase
accessibility to the services and also increase participation in leisure
activities. This should go a long way in helping us promote a healthy
community. The potential impact of the age reduction as far as transit
goes could be a reduction of $170,000.00 in transit revenues. On the
other hand, we envision more people using transit thus less cars on the
road and a cleaner environment. The two senior levels of government are
giving money back to the municipalities as part of the Gas Tax Rebate, to
improve public transportation. We should be receiving new buses in the
near future and council is committed to increasing the level of
service for transit. Our transit system has been a huge success right from
day 1 of our
Following is a list of roads to be resurfaced this year:
Deschenes Road from M.R. 80 to Gravel Drive
Centennial Road from Tupper to the arena
Vera Street from Robin to Kathleen
Robin Ave. from M.R. 80 to Hillside
M.R. 80 from Little Stobie Mine to Thayer Lindsey Mine
Following is a list of roads that will be surfaced treated:
Bodson Drive from Railroad Track to Hydro Road
Guenette Drive from Railroad Track to Radar Road
Kenneth Drive from 2200 Kenneth to the West End
Hydro Road from Spurline to 0.5 km. North
The above is in addition to all the work that has been previously
approved. As you can tell there will be a considerable amount of work done
throughout the ward which is certainly welcome news.
I will keep you updated on the status of all this work throughout the
Have a pleasant week! |