Caroline took time to explain how VoiceBio works to her niece, Laura Savard, who was in the mall with her son, Logan.





Reveals what your body is TRYING … DYING to tell you.

Can you hear it?

Let me help you not only understand what it is trying to say


also give you the tools necessary to help it.


C   C#   D   D#   E   F   F#   G   G#   A   A#   B

What the heck is that and why should I care?

Can you imagine the buzz created when x-rays, ultra-sound, finger printing etc. were first introduced to the world? The creators of these new tools were challenged, often ridiculed and history has recorded some even had their lives threatened. “You’re able to do what with what?”  Some were sure it was ‘unnatural’ and feared it every step of the way until forced to be served by it or until they were exposed to it for so long, it finally became the norm, accepted.

  Well, guess what folks, we have old knowledge partnering with modern technology today to better serve humankind and it is in Greater Sudbury NOW!  What is it?  VoiceBio©™.

A bit of background first.

Sound is the first thing that was created. In the holy books, (believe it or not, the holy books also contain scientific knowledge) the first thing that was created was ‘the word’.   Words are made up of sound. In the Eastern tradition the word is ‘ OM ’.  That is the reason humans get ‘homesick’ at some stage in their lives. They are trying to re-connect to the divine, perfection, inside every cell of their being. Some get so-o-o- homesick they become suicidal, but that sharing is for another day.

I can hear you saying, Get back to VoiceBio©™, Caroline. Never mind this Spiritual, hocus pocus stuff.

Ok.  A very brief history about its creator, Dr. Kathryn Thompson – Liu.   While a police woman in California , she had her baby and became very ill shortly afterwards. It took traditional medicine two years to find a grapefruit size tumor which they removed.  The surgery was botched leaving her unable to have any more children.

She was not impressed to say the least.  She left the police force and became a Naturopath, hypnotherapist and herbalist.  She discovered the power of sound and used it to heal herself.  Sound and toning became her main way of healing her patients.

She spent thousands of dollars and years of research on sound and music but was frustrated because she didn’t have a technical tool that could consistently show her patients exactly which body part was lacking harmony and balance. 

A breakthrough occurred when, in desperation to help two of her friends, she prayed for guidance. Over a four month period, through dreams, meditation, and working with a computer engineer, a VOICEBOX was created to provide a simple, speedy, accurate, painless, consistent, reliable, energy analysis of every part of the body.

So, how are your body and sound related

Fueled by electro-magnetic energy and organized according to your unique DNA blueprint, the organs, glands and systems of your body are meant to function independently, yet as a team.

The heart, lungs, pancreas and nervous system all have specialized jobs requiring specialized resources. To maintain health, all systems and organs must be in constant communication with each other and interact equally. If communication breaks down, or if excessive or prolonged stress is placed on one system or organ, an imbalance can develop, first presenting warning symptoms and then more severe challenges.

Various parts of your body attract resources and communicate with each other by way of sound frequency. In other words, each organ has its own keynote frequency that vibrates in harmony to the particular nutrients, minerals and sound vibration required for its function.

As an example, the colon vibrates to the note of B, while the liver vibrates to the note of G. Fortunately, for your sanity, the frequencies of your organs and systems function outside the range of your human hearing. There are in all, 12 keynote frequencies present in your human body (# is pronounced ‘sharp’)

C   C#   D   D#   E   F   F#   G   G#   A   A#   B

The keynote frequencies found in your body are the very same frequencies found in music. And just as the note of C appears several times on a piano keyboard at varying octaves, the note of C appears many times in the body. Your voice, being the composite sound of you as a human being, represents of all of the frequencies in your body.

Until now, we might have been tempted to consider the human voice to be one sound, distinctive certainly from person to person, but definitely not revealing 12 individual sound frequencies. However, through the technology of VoiceBio©™, your voice’s independent frequencies can be captured, translated and sorted onto a voiceprint, giving you a highly accurate indication of your body’s physical state.

With a perfect body in an ideal world, your voice print would show every one of the 12 sound frequencies registering an equal number of sound hits, meaning, a voice print of 240 overall hits, will register 20 hits in each of the frequency categories.

Unfortunately, such perfection does not exist in the real world. Instead, as a result of poor lifestyle habits, genetic tendencies and environmental factors, a voice print will show a range of heavy hit categories and weak hit categories mixed with those that are in the average range.

An assessment of the heavy and weak areas of your voiceprint can act as a guide to improved health, regeneration and increased energy. Your voice print can literally point out exactly which door is locked and also provides the key needed to unlock it.

When you experience pain, health challenges, physical deterioration or inflammation, it is because the balance of frequencies has been disturbed or interrupted by some stress. There is always an underlying cause and effect. Determining the cause that is creating the effect has long been the primary challenge of medical science. Because your individual frequencies are scanned and measured through VoiceBio©™, this new technology can be an invaluable, non-invasive energy analysis tool.

Here is a hypothetical example that illustrates just how VoiceBio©™ works:

As is the case with so many newborns, baby Michael is first introduced to nutrients by way of a sweetened, canned formula. As he gets older, he is fed a diet laden with sugar. He often drinks soda pop instead of water, chooses candy instead of vegetables, and eats macaroni and cheese for dinner whenever he can.

The parents wonder why their son has frequent ear infections and suffers from airborne allergies as well as poor concentration in school. But the mystery of the ear infections and poor academic performance can be quickly solved with a 5 minute voiceprint.

Michael’s pancreas been experiencing undue stress since the day he was born. Not surprisingly, his voice print shows heavy frequency hits in the note of F, the vibration of the pancreas. F is also the frequency of the ears. Relieve excess F stress from this child's system through nutritional support and lifestyle changes, and he is likely to enjoy better health overall.

While organs and systems within your body share energy and communication, so too do the people who live with you or who are in a relationship with you. In fact, individuals who have long-term physical imbalances will often attract those who have opposite imbalances. (Yes, that may mean you fell in love with your husband for his F# frequency!)

Whenever the opposites are together, they will feel more complete because each is filling in a missing frequency for the other. Such a dynamic is not the ideal, since personal balance offers the most strength. However, this can explain why one spouse will find it difficult to get healthier if the other is not willing to do the same. This can also explain why some partners in abusive, co-dependent relationships keep going back to each other. They are "medicating" each other by providing the missing sound frequencies. It’s amazing what one will tolerate in order to ‘physically survive.’

Everything in the Universe functions through sound vibration. Because VoiceBio©™ accurately reveals the frequency patterns of your body, it can be an invaluable assessment tool on the way to understanding and realizing optimal physical health.

As is the case with so many newborns, baby Michael is first introduced to nutrients by way of a sweetened, canned formula. As he gets older, he is fed a diet laden with sugar. He often drinks soda pop instead of water, chooses candy instead of vegetables, and eats macaroni and cheese for dinner whenever he can.

The parents wonder why their son has frequent ear infections and suffers from airborne allergies as well as poor concentration in school. But the mystery of the ear infections and poor academic performance can be quickly solved with a 5 minute voiceprint.

Michael’s pancreas been experiencing undue stress since the day he was born. Not surprisingly, his voice print shows heavy frequency hits in the note of F, the vibration of the pancreas. F is also the frequency of the ears. Relieve excess F stress from this child's system through nutritional support and lifestyle changes, and he is likely to enjoy better health overall.

While organs and systems within your body share energy and communication, so too do the people who live with you or who are in a relationship with you. In fact, individuals who have long-term physical imbalances will often attract those who have opposite imbalances. (Yes, that may mean you fell in love with your husband for his F# frequency!)

Whenever the opposites are together, they will feel more complete because each is filling in a missing frequency for the other. Such a dynamic is not the ideal, since personal balance offers the most strength. However, this can explain why one spouse will find it difficult to get healthier if the other is not willing to do the same. This can also explain why some partners in abusive, co-dependent relationships keep going back to each other. They are "medicating" each other by providing the missing sound frequencies. It’s amazing what one will tolerate in order to ‘physically survive.’

Everything in the Universe functions through sound vibration. Because VoiceBio©™ accurately reveals the frequency patterns of your body, it can be an invaluable assessment tool on the way to understanding and realizing optimal physical health.

Enough history, how does it work?  What do I have to do?

bulletYou must fast from smoking, eating or drinking anything for at least one hour before the session which lasts 45 minutes to 1 hour.
bulletYou provide a list of medications you are taking. (Medications may sometimes be the cause of some of your troubles.)
bulletYou then sign a consent form to allow your voiceprint (minus personal info) to be used for research.
bulletThe computer program requires your name and birth date to personalize your voiceprint.
bulletYou are then asked to speak into a microphone which is connected to the voicebox which is connected to my computer.
bulletYou are asked to speak, in any language, about the following three subjects until the computer registers 75 hits for each:
  1. Give a guided tour of your home. Frequencies, not words, are what’s important.
  2. Talk about something that causes you stress.  Where your body stores stress is very important. (Clients are in awe when they actually SEE what stress does to their body.)
  3. You are then asked to imagine a dream come true and speak of it as though it has happened. If necessary, just imagine winning a zillion dollar lottery and tell how you would spend it.                                                                

That sharing reveals two things:

1.       do you have the energy to make it happen; and

2.       does a dream come true help you or hurt you?

  That’s it. It takes about 5 minutes to do your part.

A bar graph of all the notes in the musical scale is then displayed for each subject and discussed.

Example: If the note “C” is 4 % your thyroid is under a great deal of stress, functioning only 4%.  The Lymphatic system (the body’s sewer system) becomes plugged and more deterioration happens.

Low notes = stagnant, blocked, plugged body parts.

High notes (100 %) don’t mean great job! High notes = OUCH I’m inflamed, I need help, now.

After you see the three bar graphs we then discuss the composite of all three to

bulletfind the two lowest notes to raise them
bulletthe two highest notes to lower them and
bulletdetermine the best way to create harmony and balance.

How is that done Caroline?

  The horizontal line created by your birth date and name is vitally important in determining if you can use the most powerful energy on the planet to heal yourself…sound. PLUS …

  Dependant upon which notes show a need, one or several of the following may be suggested:

bullettoning with a Korg
bulletusing colloidal iodine
bulletlymphatic drainage patches
bulletseeing a chiropractor, massage therapist, etc.
bulletnutritional counseling
bulletseeing your doctor, or
bulletsome counseling by me or someone else trained to serve your special need.                                     (I am trained in many other alternative healing techniques)

  Thymokeniseology (muscle testing-your body always knows what is best for it) will be used to determine what is best and when to have a follow up appointment which lasts only ½ hr.


To learn more, listen to Dr. Kae's interview on the Aware Radio Show in California . Within 24 hours of the interview, the phone lines were jammed with over 20,000 requests for appointments!


Visit Go to the bottom of “Frequency and the Body page and click on…

Part 1, mp3 format, 14 MB   |   Part 2, mp3 format, 13 MB)


Visit me at the Hanmer Shopping Centre Sat 17th and possibly 18th Dec to learn more.

This article, the first of many to come, was written especially for you by

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((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:-  Caroline  ..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-
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((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- 

LOVE’S Electrician ~ Reaching into people’s hearts to turn their light on!

Owner of


(LOH is pronounced low)

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You are invited to share it with your friends and family


You do not edit it in any way


You include everything below this line.


offers services, products and special events that unite and empower people.

VoiceBio©™ is one of those services.

Next week, my article on

how your emotions and sound are related,

will continue to show you the value of VoiceBio©™.

You are invited to share any

comments, questions, or arguments

you may have about anything I have written.

I will choose one to speak about in the next


Email by clicking on this link …


Call …  705-524-0544

to make an appointment to get your voiceprint done or to arrange a house call or a home show.


Copyright © 2010 All Rights Reserved
Valley East Today is published by
Infocom Canada Business Consultants Inc.