Shave For Hope Day Held At Pioneer Manor
To Raise Funds For Cancer Research |

Fraser, Monique Grenon, Sadie Mantysaari, Therese Teahen, Chris Dupret
& Louise, Pioneer's Hairdresser all pose for a photo after they had
their heads shaved to raise funds for cancer research.
The event was
called, "Shave For Hope" and it was held on April 8, 2006.
Grenon, a resident of Hanmer, was going to be the only one to take part in
the event, but she challenged some co-workers and they, being good sports,
joined in.
Monique is
shown in a before and after pose below: |


explained her motivation, "This was for a good cause and hair will
grow back. I did this in memory of my mother Leonne Raymond who passed
away in 1984 and for my grandfather Elzear Proulx who passed
away in 1980 they both died of cancer. Everyone else had their own reasons
for doing this."
to Monique and all of the people involved in this event for helping raise
awareness about the need for cancer research.