February 6, 2002

bulletUne femme remarquable
bulletNotre-Dame du Rossaire Parish is Celebrating 100 Years of Faith
bulletSt. Kevin's School Will Most Likely Re-Open Dorrs To Grade Nine Students In September

Une femme remarquable

soumission de la F. F.C.F.
Section St-Jacques de Hanmer

La Fédération des femmes canadiennes-françaises section St-Jacques de Hanmer est fière de reconnaître une de ses membres, Suzanne Ladéroute, une femme remarquable par son dévouement au sein de l’organisme ainsi que dans la communauté. Son bénévolat a commencé en 1954 lorsqu’elle joint le seul groupe féminin paroissial: les Dames de Ste-Anne.  Elle est responsable d’organiser des bingos qui servent à prélever des fonds pour la construction de l’église.  En 1959 Suzanne prend en charge le souper lors des pique-niques annuels de la paroisse.  Plus tard cette femme généreuse accepte de s’occuper du tirage d’un gros lot lors du bingo paroissial.  Toujours consciente des besoins dans la communauté, elle accompagne les Guides et aussi les Scouts qui profitent des bons repas préparés par Suzanne pendant leur semaine de camping.

Suzanne est membre active de la fédération depuis 1959.  Elle est responsable de la cuisine et siège sur différents comités. Elle a toujours à coeur le bon fonctionnement de notre organisme.  Son dynamisme est reflété dans l’enthousiasme de chacune lors des activités sous sa direction.

Nous les membres croyons sincèrement que tous les gestes posés bénévolement depuis plus de 40 ans par cette femme remarquable contribuent à améliorer la qualité de vie de notre communauté.  Suzanne mérite certainement d’être reconnue pour toutes ces années consacrées au bénévolat.

Notre-Dame du Rossaire Parish is Celebrating 100 Years of Faith

Notre-Dame du Rosaire parish in Blezard Valley is one hundred years old!

Celebrations for their centennial year began with a New Year’s Eve dance in the parish hall. One Sunday each month will also be dedicated to various pioneer families and their descendents with a special mass. The first of these events was held January 6 when the Houle, Coutu, Frappier and Leduc families were represented. The mass was followed by coffee and donut and a photo display, which was enjoyed by all. The VISION Paper will be announcing which pioneer families will be honoured on a monthly basis.

The pioneer families of Belisle, Langen, Berthelot and Lamothe will be honoured at the 10 a.m. mass at Notre-Dame du Rosaire church in Blezard Valley on Sunday, February 10. Mass will be followed by a reception.

Other special event will be held from June 13 to 16 with tournaments, teen dance, games, penny sale, snacks, raffles etc.  Most events will take place at the Rhéal Belisle Cultural Centre and the church grounds.

All are welcome to come and meet old friends and help celebrate “One Hundred Years Of Faith”

St. Kevin’s School Will Most Likely Re-open Doors To Grade Nine Students In September

The yard is empty and the hallways are quiet this year at St. Kevin’s School on River Road in Val Caron, but come this September, it will most likely be home to dozens of Grade 9 students who will become the historic first classes of the Valley East English Catholic Secondary School.

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board held an information night at St. Anne School on January 17, but many of the more than 200 in attendance left with more questions than answers. Negotiations with the Rainbow Board for sharing space at Confederation Secondary School do not seem likely to succeed, so the most likely scenario will see St. Anne School in Farmdale converted to a secondary school with opening scheduled for September 2003. The existing JK to Grade 8 students will be transferred to an expected-to-become vacant school in the community. Many parents are concerned that the “phantom school” has yet to be identified. All indications are that a school owned by one of the Francophone school boards will soon be declared surplus and will be purchased by the Sudbury Catholic District School Board.

The public presentation demonstrated that the renovations at St. Anne will result in a very attractive, well-equipped facility by September 2003. Cost of renovations do not seem to be a major concern with the board as trustees have made it clear that they will be offering a high school in Valley East beginning in September.

During the next several months, observers will be watching the enrolment figures as Grade 8 students register for the high school of their own. Will they select the St. Kevin’s building over Confederation? Or will the girls opt for Marymount Academy? Time will tell.