February 13, 2002

bullet"Volunteering Pays Off" A Love Story By Catherine Gratton
bullet"Thank You Sister-In-Law - A Love Story" A Love Story By Maggie Giroux

"Love At First Sight" A Love Story By Gisele


"Piglets and Wild Flowers" A Love Story By Mrs. Piggy


"Love Is Like Winning The Lottery" A Love Story by Maria Marchand


"My Wish Came True" A Love Story by Pauline Rawlyk


"What a Hottie!" A Love Story by Melanie Doiron


“Volunteering Pays Off”
A Love Story by Catherine Gratton

My love story began in the 1970's. Damien and I were a couple all through high school. After graduation he moved out of town to work. We continued to go out for about four years in total, after which time we split up and went on with our own lives.

Seventeen years later I was canvassing door-to-door for a charity. I happened to knock on his door. I had no idea he lived there. When he answered the door I think I was in shock! I stuttered out his name. After the initial shock, we found out that we were both single at the time and exchanged phone numbers. We started to date again and have been together for about four years. We got married in July 2001.

We both say fate brought us back to each other because although we were apart for 17 years, we often thought of each other and picked up where we left off like it was only yesterday.

He has always been the love of my life, and always will be.

“Thank You Sister-In-Law - A Love Story”
A Love Story by Maggie Giroux

One night, 38 years ago, I was waiting for my date and to my dismay, he never arrived. I guess you could say I was stood up. I called my girlfriend, Claire, to tell her about my sad news and she told me that her brother had also been stood up the same night. As I was talking to her she yelled out to her brother, told him what had happened and asked if he would like to go out with me. I yelled back at her not to say that since I did not want to go out with him.

She disregarded my plea and he felt he was caught in a situation where he had to go out with me. So a couple of days later he came to my door and we went to see a movie. Even though we were a bit shy with each other we continued to have a few more dates and after our eighth date he kissed me for the first time. When I asked him why he waited so long to kiss me he said he did not want to scare me off. Right from that first kiss which sealed our relationship forever we knew we were in love. Even thought the dates who stood us up called for another date, we were not interested. We had each other. Now, after 35 years of marriage and three kids, we are still madly in love. Thank you my friend and now my sister-in-law. I am glad that you did what you did 38 years ago.

“Love At First Sight”
A Love Story by Gisele”

I met the love of my life in nursing school in 1982. He was a year ahead of me, but he caught my eye right away. He had the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen, but I was too shy to talk to him then. After graduation I took a job in a nursing home. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that handsome man I saw in nursing school also worked at the same nursing home. Not long after I started working there, Brian asked me out. One year later we were married. We’ve been married for 18 and a half years and I still feel like I’m on my honeymoon. Brian is a handsome, kind, patient man with a heart of gold. He was my first love - my only love. He has given me everything a woman could ever want and then some.

“Piglets and Wild Flowers”
A Love Story by Mrs. Piggy

Our eyes meet over the crowded floor. The sound of music faded in the background. The night air drifted in from the patio doors leading out to the flower garden just beyond. Okay, stop the film. It wasn’t a crowded room, it was a pig pen. There wasn’t any music, just the squeals of piglets that had just been born. And the smells of flowers, well we won’t go there.

But our eyes did meet and we did fall in love.

You see it all started when I decided that I would go to New Liskeard College and get a diploma in Agriculture. So what’s a nice girl like me doing in a place like this? Well, I’ve always loved animals and the good old country life. So I thought at 17, just out of high school, what better way to follow my interests than to go to the Agricultural College.

So that’s how I came to be over this pig pen with a piglet in my arms and the man of my dreams within eye sight. As I rocked the little baby piglet in my arms, the cute little thing fell asleep. Just then this great big six foot tall dream boat stuck a needle in my piglet to give it an immunization shot. It was the most insensitive thing anybody could possibly do and I told him so in no uncertain terms. When I paused to take a breath I looked up into those wonderful, laughing hazel eyes. Now, I might have the temper of a banshee chicken but I also have a sense of humour. So I stopped in the middle of my verbal onslaught and just took time to listen to my heart. I’m not sure what made my husband fall in love with me that day. Maybe it was my protective instinct for the young. Maybe he could see me protecting his future children with the same type of vengeance. I know that to this day he always says I have a good head and a good heart. I just know that I fell in love with him that day over a baby piglet. I saw in him a man who could buff life’s hard knocks with those laughing hazel eyes. You know what? I guess we both were right the day we fell in love over in the pig pen.

“Love Is Like Winning The Lottery”
A Love Story by Maria Marchand

My husband and I have been married for 14 wonderful years. I took day and evening courses to become an Early Childhood Educator and spent many very satisfying years working with children of all ages and backgrounds. Yet, after 12 years of marriage, work and mortgage payments, a void began to fill my heart. Nights and weekends were getting a little too boring and a little too lonely. Although my husband and I enjoyed our lives greatly, the emptiness was starting to show. You see - years ago, doctors had informed me that I would likely never have any children.

So it was that when I changed careers from taking care of children to working in displays for Eatons, I never thought anything of it when I began to fill ill. Was it the pressure of taking on a new job and leaving the old one behind, or was it something as simple as the stomach flu?

“Well,” said my boss and new friend, “ a little trip to the drug store will probably help with whatever you have.”

So, with basket in hand, we scoured the aisles of the drug store in hope of finding a remedy in a box, pill or liquid. My friend surprised me by tossing something strange into the basket - a pregnancy test!

“Let’s rule this out first and then we will take it from there,” she said, showing concern about my taking drugs which could harm a baby.

Have you ever won a lottery or raffle? If so, you know the warm rush you get when all your numbers match and you hold the winning ticket. The world as you know it really does change forever!”

Well, that day I held the lottery ticket - a urine stick actually - and I knew I had hit the jackpot, the big win - all my numbers matched! I became an instant millionaire - I was PREGNANT!

Eight months later a beautiful, blonde-haired, blue-eyed little boy was brought into the world and into out lives. As his father and I looked into that little face, I knew the void in my heart had been lifted and on that day we became the richest people in the world.

And to my darling, Benjamin, the true love of my life - Happy Valentine’s Day - I love you!

“My Wish Came True”
A Love Story by Pauline Rawlyk

I met the love of my life in Geraldton, Ontario in 1942. I worked at the diner when Peter came in for lunch. As he left the diner, he winked at me and pinched my cheek. I looked at him and at that moment wished he could become my husband. I got my wish! We were married on October 24, 1942, and we had a wonderful and loving life for almost 59 years. He was very loveable and a remarkable person with a heart of gold. To me that is what life is all about - loving and taking care of each other until death parted us seven months ago. I will always love you, Peter, the love of my life!

“What a Hottie!”
A Love Story by Melanie Doiron

It was the summer of 1993, when, at the age of 15 I met the love of my life. My family and I lived in the good old Radar Base. There wasn’t much to do back then besides getting together with our friends. One day, as usual, I went over to my good friend’s house to hang out. As I walked in, there stood this great-looking young man with the brightest, bluest eyes ever. He was wearing little boxer shorts and a tank top. What a hottie! My friend introduced him as her cousin and I was anything but speechless. Being the typical hyper, giggly and flirtatious teenage girl that I was, I questioned him about everything. When I discovered which high school he frequented, I tried convincing him to switch to my school. There I stood on the porch, singing at the top of my lungs our school theme song! Did he switch? You bet he did! He asked me out on a date, but being as stubborn as my mother, I refused. For over a year he tried almost everything in order to date me. He even befriended my older brother. But, as always, I refused. I even went to such lengths as to set him up with my girlfriends. He is a very patient man. We soon became best friends and shared everything - we even share the same birthday, although he will always be one year older. Finally realizing how much I loved him, I accepted to be his. We’ve now been married for nearly two years and hope to be starting our family soon. I love you , Jean-Yves - my best friend; my husband; my life, and; my soul mate!