May 9, 2001

Best Mothers' Day Gifts

I am sure that all of us will admit that there are times when we take our Mother for granted. Mom is always there, through thick and thin, to act as our guide through life and keep us on the straight and narrow. One thing about a Mom is that she does all of this free of charge or obligation. Mom’s do not expect anything in return. They do not wait with their hand out looking for gratitude. They do what they do because they are a Mom.

This Mothers’ Day, make it a point to begin a year of celebration. Go out of your way to do little things for your Mom and see how she feels. You don’t have to buy extravagant gifts or send her away on a luxury cruise. Take a look at some of the best Mothers’ Day gifts available on the market today.

  1. A surprise card that says, “I love you.”

  2. A note tucked in her purse that she may not notice for weeks.

  3. A second smile or good bye kiss when you are leaving.

  4. A smile for no reason.

  5. An extra long hug.

  6. A small gift for no reason when she least expects it.

  7. A back or foot massage.

  8. A loving squeeze of the hand.

  9. A simple thank you.

  10. Taking time to look at some old photo albums.

  11. Listening to her without interrupting.

  12. A phone call for no reason.

Mothers do not and will not expect much in return for what they do. But we owe them so very much for helping us to become who we are today. Make this next year a special year for Mothers and let’s try to make every Sunday, Mothers’ Day.