May 9, 2001

Genealogical Society Group Holds Annual Meeting

The Clearview Golf Club in Val Caron was the site of the Annual Meeting of Region IX of the Ontario Genealogical Society on April 21. Shown in the photo are the key speakers and organizers of the event. Standing, from the left: J.P. Dokis, Rick Simmons, John Allan, and Robert Boisvert. Seated, Robert Surtees and Ken Bird.

The meeting, which attracted 60 participants from 31 different branches,  was hosted by the 105 members Sudbury District Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society (OGS). They came from Hamilton, Toronto, New Liskeard, Manitoulin Island, North Bay and The City of Greater Sudbury.

“The purpose of the OGS is to encourage and assist those that are interested in family history,” stated Rick Simmons, co-ordinator of the event. “Statistics have shown that as many as one million Canadians are actually doing some form of research on their family history.”

People have many different reasons for being interested in family history. One of those reasons is to find out the kinds of illness or diseases ancestors once had to take preventative action with respect to potential developments in your own life. Others are genuinely interested knowing who they are.

“We are all the sum total of our ancestors,” explained Simmons. “Some of us have found some pretty interesting characters in our past.”

The Sudbury Public Library has an excellent selection of reference materials on genealogy and for those with internet access, will peak your curiosity.

The Sudbury Branch meets the 3rd Monday of every month at St. Andrews Place in Sudbury. New people are always welcome to drop in and see what the group is all about. If you would like more information, simply contact Rick Simmons at 897-5594 or email him at