July 11, 2001

St. Jacques Parish Picnic Was a Huge Success Among Area Bikers

People lined Highway 69S from the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre to the Knights of Columbus centre on Emily Street to watch the Annual St. Jean de Baptiste parade organized by the Club Optimiste de la Vallee. It was a beautiful day and one of the highlights of the afternoon was the bike decoration contest and safety demonstration.

Winners of the bike decoration contest included:

For the girls: 1st Place: Chanelle Gascon (10 years of age);        2nd Place: Tanya Gascon (9); 3rd Place: Maryse Gascon (7), 4th Place: Nathacha Gascon (11)

For the boys: 1st Place: Steven Gascon (9); 2nd Place: Joey Gascon (11).

Winners of the bike safety wheel contest included: Carol Anne Breault (8) for the girls and Yves Charbonneau (14) for the boys.

Nathan Emmell won in the scooter category for the boys.

Tanya Binkley won for the roller blades and Chris Lacasse won for the skateboard category.

Several draws were also held during the day, with 3-year-old Briane Desbiens winning a bike donated by Moncions. Another 3-year-old, Jason Comeau, won a Kid-Car donated by the Optimiste Club.

Berthe Girard was the winner of the 1st place prize of $135 in the major raffle, while Marc Gascon was a $105 winner.

Many other gifts were given away to kids from Hanmer, Sudbury and Val Caron who participated in the afternoon of activities. Some of the winners included: Janelle Paquette, Lea Dubreuil, Lucie Menard, Macyme Desbien, Tinia Cole, Zachary Cole, Mathieu Breault, Alex Fournier, Genevieve Ayotte, Mathieu Menard, Karyne Valiquette, Crystal Henri, Robert Bertrand and Tania Poitras.

President of the Club Optimiste, Suzanne Menard, extends her congratulations to all of the participants for taking part and thanks all of the volunteers for their help. It was the first time that the Club has done something like this and Suzanne was very pleased with the outcome.