January 31, 2001

Looking For A Life Changing Experience? Try Community Theatre

The Valley East Community Theatre Group is extending an invitation to all males and females in the community to attend auditions for their upcoming production of “Cinderella The True Story”. The director of the play, Tony Skopyk,  hails from Capreol and has had extensive experience in many venues around the district. He is looking forward to casting this major comedy which is along the style of a ‘Benny Hill’ and ‘Mr. Bean’. The story loosely follows the Cinderella plot, but promises some very interesting surprises during the performance.

The cast will consist of six (6) males and four (4) females. All positions are currently open, offering an excellent opportunity for budding actors and actresses to get their feet wet in community theatre. Males are in short supply for theatrical ventures, so Skopyk is hopeful that the tremendous popularity of the past productions will begin to encourage boys and men to try their hand on the stage. 

The auditions will be held on Thursday, February 1 and Friday, February 2. If necessary, additional auditions will take place on Saturday, February 3. Anyone interested in trying out for one of the parts must call 969-4968 to reserve one of the 15-minute audition blocks. There is nothing to prepare in advance for the audition. The director will simply ask you to read from a script in order to show him your voice and stage presence. If your style matches what he is looking for in one of the characters, you may find yourself staring in the next production. But don’t worry about previous experience - by the time the curtain rises in late April or early May, you will be an expert.

This is the 3rd season for the Valley East Community Theatre Group. “Cinderella The True Story” is their 4th production. Valley East has apparently taken well to live theatre, with all past performances being sold out. The recent French language production has sparked interest in the community of Verner, where residents of that community have requested performances.

Director Skopyk will have a tough task ahead of him trying to match the characters to the people attending the auditions. He needs people of all ages to fit the character roles and is hoping that dozens of interested performers come forward for the auditions. Even if one is not selected for one of the parts, there are many other excellent ways to get involved in theatre. For example, the group is in need of stage hands, seamstresses, carpenters and a technical crew as well.

So if you are looking to try something different, which guarantees a lot of hard work and satisfaction, then the Valley East Community Theatre may be just the ticket you have been looking for. It doesn’t hurt to put you name forward, and who knows, it may lead to some pretty wonderful things.

Call 969-4968 immediately to set up an audition and experience the thrill of a lifetime.

The rest of us will sit back and wait in anticipation for the tickets to go on sale in April for “Cinderella The True Story”.