April 11, 2001

Team Vaillancourt Edges Out Team Martel To Capture Club Richelieu de la Vallee Family Hockey Tournament

familytournament.jpg (127817 bytes)The action was hot and heavy during the Club Richelieu de la Vallee Family Hockey Tournament held during the last weekend of March. In between games, players were using whatever means they could to dry their equipment in time for the next contest. Pick up trucks were used for more than just tail-gate parties, as is clear from the photo.

The competition was excellent this year in all categories, but at the end of the day, when the final whistle went, the talented players from Team Vaillancourt walked off with the top honours in the ‘A’ Category following a very close 4 to 3 victory over Team Martel. During the round robin play, it was Team Martel which was on the top side of a 4 to 3 win over Team Vaillancourt, so the final contest was certainly billed as the rematch of the weekend.

Members of the winning team included: Tod, Tim, Remi, Martin and Devin Vaillancourt; Michel Leroux, Denis Castonguay, Alain Rodrigue, Troy Mallette, Richard Potvin, Marc Belanger, Eric and Sly Lacroix, Andre Girard and Robby Demers. 

Team Martel included: Mitch, Marty, Moe and Marc Martel; Dan and Mike Pitre, Dan St. Pierre, Don Bedard, Dan Marier, Dick, Bobby and Moe  Decosse, Joel Marier, Rob & Hub Moncion, Brian Thompson, Lucien Lamontagne, and Yvon Lalonde.

Team Giroux-Simon downed Team Pelletier-Boyd by a score of 6 to 1 to take the Category ‘B’ title. Members of Team Giroux-Simon included: Hubert, Derek, Marc, Eric, Denis and Roland Giroux; Richard Simon, Bobby Decosse, Roland Chretien, Claude, Rick and Shawn Lemieux, Kevin Chisholm, Don and Gaetan Lamontagne, and Marc Corrain.

It took overtime to determine the winner in Category ‘C’. Team Burns edged out Team Venne by a score of 3 to 2. Members of Team Burns included: David, Peter, Tyler, Fred, Gilles, Tim, Ken, Denis, Chad and Mike Burns; Bernard Beaudry and Jeff Beaudry, Doug Hanson, Craig Brady, Norm Reid, Jeff Parrington, and Grant Healey.

The tournament was convened by Hilda Kingsley who once again did a remarkable job of keeping everything on track.

Executive members of Club Richelieu de la Vallee for 2000-2001 include:

Andre Whissell (President); Germain Belanger (Vice-President); Woilford Whissel (Secretary); Leon Ouimet (Treasurer); Alfred Michel (Governor) and Pierre Blondin (Past President).  Members include: Johanne Blondin, Normand Gauthier, Roger Gauthier, Gerard Labelle, Camile Langlois, Marc Lefebvre, Carole Leger-Kubeczek, Rene Lortie, Carmen Prieur and Andre Thibert.