November 15, 2000

Valley East Heritage Appreciation Night Honours Past Mayors

Heritage.jpg (42992 bytes)The Valley East Heritage Committee is not just about publishing a book on the history of Valley East. The Committee also plans on making the Centennial Celebrations of this fine community a long, distinguished event spanning several years and beyond. For this is not just a birthday party we are going to hold in the year is much more than that. It is a celebration of our past, present and future and of the people who have developed the City of Valley East into what it is today...a community with one of the brightest futures in the entire region.

On October 27, the members of the Heritage Committee held its first Appreciation Night at the Recreation Centre. The gathering of almost 200 residents of the community was held to honour several people who have made significant contributions to our history.

The guest speaker, Eli Martel, shown above on the left with Mayors Howard Armstrong and John Robert, recalled many significant events over the years which stand out in his mind. He talked about how past mayors worked hard with his assistance to ensure that the residents of Valley East were taken care of by the provincial government. Martel put the growth over the last 40 years into perspective and invited the audience to focus on the prospects for the next 40 years.

“It was foresight that brought us to where we are,” Martel stated. “The foresight of the community leaders. These gentlemen and their councils had foresight. They have built this community and have set the foundation for the future.” 

Presentations were then made to three of our past mayors. Mayor Raymond Plourde (1973-1978), Mayor Howard Armstrong (1979-1985), and Mayor John Robert (1986-2000) were the recipients of many words of praise as well as commemorative plaques which will remind them forever of our sincere appreciation for all that they have done for us. Mayor Plourde was not able to attend, but his accomplishments were certainly recognized.

Claudette Lahti-Ouwens, Chairperson of the Committee, stated in her welcoming address, “It’s time to stand up and be proud of what you have to celebrate.”

Committee Research Chairman, Ron Mrochek, identified several senior citizens who made significant contributions to our heritage. He also invited residents to attend the general meetings of the committee, held the 1st Monday of every month at the former Our Lady of Fatima School in Blezard Valley. The committee is still actively searching for old photographs that people may have in their attic. Contact Ron at 969-5431 if you feel you have anything to add to the project.